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Babydoll Bunny

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Posts posted by Babydoll Bunny

  1. This is all really disheartening. And I feel like this is a witch hunt, with favortism playing a massive part. 

    There are literally hundreds of business' in SL ran by one single avatar, with multiple people handing things behind the scenes on that avatar. For a business to have success and be successful and grow, this is going to happen. One person cannot do it all 24/7. 

    The Wiki clearly states, you do so at your own risk. DRD has been in business since 2008, and hasnt been compromised. So why is there a issue NOW? When, I can literally name 30 business' off the top of my head, ran the same way DRD has been. 

    LL should WANT business' to be successful and thrive. And should encourage ways to manage such interprises. If they're not happy with account sharing perhaps they need to think out of the box, and offer some kind of business account option for business with success. 

    I find it pretty odd really with all the breaches on Marketplace the last 2 weeks, that THIS is their focus.

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