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Posts posted by BuzumbaLoon

  1. If you had maybe done something on your own, meshes say some fan art in a way. But really you haven't even done that. The models you are using are freely available for download on 3D printing sites for people's own uses and enjoyment and not to sell as your creations in a virtual world. That is besides the blatant copyright infringement of course. 

    And in that mesh upload quiz that we used to have to do to be able to upload meshes at all it does quite clearly state that if it looks like something that is under copyright, even with changes, then don't do it. It is pretty simple. And the fact that there are some other things on the MP that fall under this is due to them maybe not having been discovered or reported. 

    Your question was however for an investment into your business. To pay a mesher and so on. (Free models of a 3D printing site... ) and my advise was to rethink and legitimise your business model before you seek partners. So whatever your reasons are that you think what you are doing is ok, I don't think you will find someone to go into business with like that. 

    If vinyl figures are your passion, make your own. Be creative and use your imagination. 

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  2. 21 hours ago, Lucia Nightfire said:

    The reason blocked users send their victims money, typically L$1 at a time, is the hope that you'll send it back.

    Once you send the money back, they will then look at their transaction history and under the record where you gave the money back they will see the location you were at when you did it.

    This is how they stalk people.

    Wow I never thought about that! Thank you for making people aware of this! 

  3. I would probably start with not trying to sell material under copyright that breaches whatever mesh upload policy you agreed to. Then maybe look for a name that is not the same of a RL company. That would be your first step in finding someone willing to go into business with you. 

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