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Posts posted by AuroraDammerung

  1. I'm seeing a ton of new things being added right now in the Ranch Home area (and a lot of other Belli areas, too!) Tons of work seems to be happening right now. The Moles are out and about in these areas, fiddlin' with the bits here and there. I see completed shorelines and railroad tracks, new ranch homes along the shore area, a bridge going north and connecting to the Med Homes, etc. Lots of purple, yellow, green, and red colored regions, deco budget meters, and all sorts of exciting things going on in Belli today.

    The rail line going along the east and north shoreline of the Ranch Home area looks amazing!

    • Like 7
  2. Awesome! I have gotten some fantastic stuff at previous WRONG sales. Definitely worth going there to check it out! He has two really low LI kitchens 3LI and 7 LI. My favorite kitchen is from WRONG, a really nice, simple and modern corner kitchen (full set is only 22LI). Its located upstairs (click on the elevator at the landing point to head up). There's tons of good furniture here, and a lot of really well-designed outdoor patio structures, too.

    • Like 1
  3. At the fenced-in 2048 Linden Home Demo space, I did an Area Search and found:
    Aspens, Azaleas, Wheat Crops, Indian Paintbrush, Black Eyed Susans, Cornflowers, Hay/Straw Rounds, Jorge Bush (Okay, if THIS isn't a dead giveaway of a Texas-style farm ranch, I dunno what is!), Log Piles, Oaks, Sunshine Shrubs, Coralberry Shrubs, Split-Rail Fence and Gate, Tree Stump & Axe, Wagon Wheel.


    Here's to hoping for an open-concept "Renovated Barn" structure in which many decor styles can work.


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    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    I have seen many Japanese builds and homes in SL with the tsubo-niwa, and they didn't seem like cages, but that may be due to the fact that they already had flowers, benches, statues, etc. in them.


    This looks so very close to the LL homes:


    However, there is no low wall or drainage in the LL homes. Which is a good thing, because that allows the home owner much more flexibility and choice in how they want to use that space.

    I am utterly smitten with this home design and can not wait to use it! 😍

    • Like 7
  5. 1 hour ago, Evangeline Arcadia said:

    I love the canals and some of the homes backing onto them. Really pretty. I think the open skylight house is a wonderful idea - you could make a really pretty garden in there..



    I'm convinced I'll be putting a huge bamboo forest planting in there, with rainfall! *squees!*

    • Like 6
  6. 5 hours ago, Marisa Starbrook said:

    Just tacking on an addendum. The stove that goes along with the Plantation Kitchen is free in the Outlet at Apple Fall. I'm one of the few people that doesn't own nearly everything by Apple Fall.

    ZOMG!! There are SO many free goodies in the Outlet section. I had no idea! Thank you so much for the heads up on that stove. I got that and a few dozen other lovelies from there. 😁

    • Like 3
  7. There is truly no need (nor desire) for wide, asphalt streets. Take all the roads out, put in soft landscaping of grasses (low native grasses) and taller ornamental grasses (pampas, blue oat grass, bamboo), and put in narrower walking/biking paths. Create a more organic, open space/green space feel to the landscape, something more inviting for a stroll around the neighborhood than hardscaped, ugly asphalt roads.

    • Like 8
  8. The homes have really nice exteriors, and interior layouts are some of the best I've seen in Linden Homes. Frustratingly, the interior woodworking (moulding, stair railing) is the usual traditional style--it needs to be more simple and streamlined to fit more appropriately with a modern theme.

    The homes feel very close together and the landscaping is very sparse, making it feel a bit too ticky-tacky "Little Boxes", unfortunately. There are ways to incorporate more lush landscape coverage and screening that still works with a modern theme.

    Overall, the houses themselves are really quite nice, but the sparse landscaping and close-quarters placement of the homes doesn't feel very good. I hope some tweaks can happen to make the overall feel of the neighborhoods more special and private.

    • Like 5
  9. Greetings!

    I've been on the hunt for tall boots (like Blueberry's CocoDoll show below) for Legacy body, and have not had any luck so far. Specifically boots (ideally wide satin ribbons like this) or even just any kind of boots that go all the way up to the buttocks.


    Blueberry @ Epiphany - CocoDoll Set


    If you have any ideas where I could find tall boots for Legacy I would be most appreciative. Thank you!  ❤️

  10. Greetings!

    At several stores recently I've seen some really snazzy surfboards that have animated textures on them (sparkling, pulsing, swirling, etc) and they're quite spectacular looking. Unfortunately, I just can not seem to find any of these stores again! I've spent hours searching in world, online, etc. trying to find 'em but I have completely failed. 🙁

    If anyone out there might have an idea where I could find these surfboards, I would be extremely grateful.


    Thank you!!  💗

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