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Posts posted by xIntyx

  1. FAC 51 is a Hacienda/80s/90s style club which is soon to open to the public. 

    We are currently looking for resident DJs who have a good knowledge of music from that era - 

    80s/90s -  Dance/Trance, Britpop, Indie/Alt, House, Post-Punk, Classics. 

    The Smiths, Joy Division, 808 State, The Cure, New Order, James, Stone Roses, Oasis, Prodigy, K-Klass, Orbital, Happy Mondays. 

    You'll have 100% tips, free drinks and the chance to meet some incredibly interesting people along the way. Because this is a new club, experience DJs would be preferred, however if you're just starting out and love this type of music, please feel free to contact xintyx Resident in world for a chat. 




  2. Hi, 

    Sorry if this in the wrong place, I have tried reading through forums before posting. 

    I am having issues applying a tattoo layer to Maitreya Dev Kit v5. I have uploaded Tattoo - copied the UUID to the notecard and added to the prim as suggested along with the Texture Loader. It seems to load up fine within the prim, but when I touch it, or add it to HUD it doesn't give me an option of which layer to apply this to? That seems to be the only issue I am facing and therefore unable to wear the tattoo. 

    I think I am missing something basic, but if anyone has any ideas then please let me know. 




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