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Felix Adamski

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Posts posted by Felix Adamski

  1. Thanks, Solar! Your post made me double check about the differences between the imposters and jelly beans and their mechanics. I will try to tweak my settings and to derender the other close by avatars instead of forcing them to be jellybeans, and see if that solves my problems. 

  2. Hi. I do have following problem:

    With the last version I am sometimes in the situation where I watch a group of avatars, lower my graphic settings to high which boosts my FPS past 60, but I have to totally zoomed in to one or two avatars to get them to animate fluently. 

    On the other hand, when I use LL's viewer, crank it to the highest settings, its FPS would drop to about 15, but I can watch the whole group reasonably well without getting any degradation of animations. 

    Why is that? Is there any setting I can use to improve the situation?  It feels like the situation got worse over the last year and half maybe? Thank you.

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