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HeLL Bunny

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Posts posted by HeLL Bunny

  1.  COVEN is looking for chatty hosts, & experienced DJs who play any of the following genres: Modern, Gothic, Punk, & Hard Rock, Metal, Industrial. We have a club stream. DJs must use voice/mic during sets, and also participate in room conversation. 
    We have a staff Discord channel, an online schedule, and a FB page. Staff perks include on-site housing and free in-club ads

    job app: https://forms.gle/XC7sxSNrmkrFX7Lp6

    Location: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Allendale/71/190/22

  2. Heyyy

    and thank you for checking my post out :D

    I just want to say hi and welcome to sl or welcome back if you been away for a while. Am a pretty laid back cat-guy who always looking to make new friends. Think its getting weirder and tougher at times to get to know people in world without that cold shoulder being given by some haha so trying here.

    hit me up a chatter in world or here. I always reply with a smile, and if I don't reply then give it a bit... I ALWAYS reply back to a greeting ;)

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  3. Hello everyone

    We at Sensualis Adult CLUB are at the moment EU based, timezone wise. We are a new club looking for more Dancers/Escort to join our team. We want to expand and keep our doors open 24/7 to cater for ALL so it doesn't matter what timezone you're in.

    Besides from stripping and escorting, we are also running weekly events with contests as well as bringing in DJ's to play at said events to spice things up a bit.


    Come on in and meet us here:


    If you have any questions contact Zeehra Wolf (zeehra.cordeaux)

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