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Posts posted by ExoticQueenB

  1. 17 minutes ago, Orwar said:

       Are you referring to unpacking things?

       Some, but not all, can be attached (added) to your avatar to be unpacked. Unfortunately you usually won't know before you've tried to rez (drag to the floor) or attach it to see whether that worked. 

    Yes i do believe thats what I mean! I am having serious issues with getting my avatar to look right i got like 5 different avi mods to use an well non of them look right to me an then trien to get hair an clothes to go on and look right is the other issue

  2. Not sure what i'm doing wrong when it comes to customizing my avatar. I guess the dragging the box on the floor bit is confusing. Does anyone else have any easier methods to this madness? If so can you please share tips below that would help me.

  3. Hello and Good Evening or Good Afternoon or Morning to wherever anyone is!!! Its is a wonder to be able to type this blog today. Ok although I am new to this site, I am slowly learning new things and how to customize my avatar. I have also witnessed a whole what not too do when your Trien to get the customization over with. I have found a lot of interest's on this site and I hardly been here this long, I love the factor that you have different groups you can be involved in. The teleportation if your not used to it can be a little irritating. Anyways I decided that through my Journey on here and learning new things I was gonna start Blogging. Now I love to blog, I love to write on different topics from relationship advice to parenting too our everyday economy and how it's going down the toliet. Nevermind the last part!!! anyways I highly doubt that anyone wants to talk about the Economy and Economic Failure its not really a good ice breaker for anything, If anything it will make you look like in my personal opinion a boob. Why because Boobs can be pointless what do they do? Other than the obvious sit in a bra an feed babies an look good from a distance if they are real. I feel the same way about body parts that can be altered kind of like how our Government is!. If you disagree with any of that Pshyco Babble because your confused or its just stupid or lame too you well I'm sorry, Not Sorry!! Don't ever expect a Political debate from me ever because it will never happen. However to contribute too what I Just said now let me retort just a lil bit. Ok because I know I most likely am gonna get negative feed back because of one tags on this Blog Article. Ok So lets get that horse out the stable and talk about it. I might come off to some as a Feminist because I'm a women but let me stop you and correct you. I am not a Feminist do I believe a women has the right to choose what to do with her body your dang right!!! anyways back to the horse I am pulling out the stable!!!!! Ready Set here it is!!! My tag says that I am a Supporter of I Matter!!!! So for those of you who think you know it all or know nothing about it at all, lets talk about I Matter ok.  I Matter is pretty much a whole bunch of people internationally and across the world that are joined with NAACP. To stand up for Diverse Cultures not just one an not just the other. Lets talk about history I am gonna school you all real quick. So back and I mean way back when we had ignorant Presidents who were against slavery but yet they owned slaves they paved a way from the African American Culture to hold a huge resentment for White People, European People because lets face it there wasn't just White Folks Owning Slaves!!!! Just so you know I feel as if I was a Slave reincarnated sometimes.

    U.S. Slavery: Timeline, Figures & Abolition - HISTORY

    So I have some actual added facts up in here while I am telling you all about the I Matter Movement. So to support my facts ima add in two links here that show you how different an non similar the Black Live's Matter Movement and the I Matter Movement .

    About - Black Lives Matter

    Top 10 Reasons I Won't Support the #BlackLivesMatter Movement by Ryan Bomberger (townhall.com)

    How Martin Luther King Jr.’s Selma marches influenced the Black Lives Matter movement (yahoo.com)

    Now for All Live's Matter

    We all Matter – Margaret Adedeji ft. Debbie and Tiffany - GospelTunez

    Something to listen to but anyways I Matter is starting a trend with Supporting all Life and All races. I have the biggest Bi Racial Family out of my friends and I by Far do not have a Racist Bone in my body. Do I believe people are capable of making and breaking their own life yes I do! Can you control others no. Can you walk up to a average Joe blow and be like your not allowed to be racist and your not allowed to hate others. Nobody is gonna do what you want them to do you can recommend change and hope for the best. I don't agree with the killings and assaults on any african americans I don't condone anything that has happened to anyone who has lost a loved one. So i said all this an linked all this too show you I may have contridicted myself with the Boob statement.

    Anyways like I was gonna say I'm new to this site and my thoughts an opinions are all over the place you don't have to like them you don't have to agree with them and I usually talk about the first thing that intrest's me. I will never ever post something about something without adding a link for someone too go back an read an take notes from. that and I'm looking forward to learning more from this website and making friends an jumping in on them challenges and games. Have a blessed day!!


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