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Posts posted by Xennified

  1. 8 minutes ago, Codex Alpha said:


    Pretty much whatever happens if you can see it in BLender, it shouldn't change in appearance in the uploader. Perhaps if you are exporting you may be applying a modifier somewhere, or on export to DAE, the auto triangulation is creating artifacts. in any case make sure your base mesh in Blender is clean and sound.

    Check your autosmooth settings. Mine is around 60 degrees on average, if it was lower at 15 to 30 I might get those edges to look sharp too.

    Yeah I've been trying it at 60 degrees, have tried higher too and it doesn't change anything. Just tried the triangulate modifier on an otherwise unmodified 8-side cylinder, smoothing it in blender, and it's still all hard edges in SL.

    Are you using a newer version of Blender? I'm going to try that next since someone in a group said they didn't have the issue on a newer version.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Codex Alpha said:

    It is the booleans that you have used that have messed up your geometry. Since the verts aren't matching up, sharps applied and vertex normals are going to clash. In the file I see the cylinder shape is quite mishapen at the ends. There are ways to connect these objects together, if you really really really want to, just look up Blender Secrets or other on YT if you want to clean up the mesh with all the boolean verts


    Model each piece seperately that way your sharps and normals will be fine.


    then join them up into the same mesh.


    If you have repeating elements like the arm and half-sphere, unwrap those first (and maybe even texture them) then duplicate two more times to finish your design.

    And since each piece is it's own mesh, it is much easier to decimate later for LODs and such.



    As I said in the post, I tried joining them first. Have been testing and it turns out any cylinder created with only 8 sides will have hard edges when uploaded to SL regardless of any smoothness settings from blender, even without it being joined to another object.

  3. Blender's auto-smoothing generally imports well enough (though not perfectly), but I've been having issues when I join multiple objects together where sometimes an object (or rather, what used to be an object) will be all sharp edges and I can't figure out why or what I'm doing wrong. I've tried not smoothing them in blender until after the objects are joined, and that didn't help. Everything looks fine in Blender and changing the auto-smoothing angle in Blender doesn't help either.

    I don't really want to upload my models as huge linksets so if anyone knows what I'm doing wrong I would massively appreciate help. I'm still on Blender 2.79b if that changes anything, I'm still learning and didn't want a massive UI change throwing me off until I know what I'm doing.

    Edit: Thought I'd got it when I remembered booleans exist but... Nope. It still does the same thing.



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