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Posts posted by PureRich

  1. 2 hours ago, Jenna Huntsman said:

    Why are you overcomplicating it?

    Use one of the BoM AUX layers (I'd recommend using either AUX_2 or AUX_3 to avoid conflicting with LeLutka's ear textures) and use the bakes system to handle tinting and layering. That means you don't need 100s of onion layers, you don't need a HUD, and users are free to create their own compatible textures (if they're so inclined).

    Sounds great, but how to achieve it?

    I need a tutorial for this.

    Is there a script I can purchase to support me building the HUD?

    42 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

    I dont think they want people making layers for their mesh


    Why do you believe this?
    If the technology is there, people can use it.

  2. On 11/4/2021 at 4:28 PM, Drake1 Nightfire said:

    Again, BOM doesnt work that way. It uses system layers to apply to a mesh body that uses SLuv. If your custom mesh doesnt use that BOM wont work. The BOM system does NOT use a HUD. You just wear system layers and they apply. You want a custom HUD for your own mesh. You kind of have to make that yourself. 

    Probably I understand. :P

    Do you know someone who could help me out with building this HUD?


  3. 19 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

    Looking over your store, it seems you have made nails for each different mesh body as it is impossible to rig ONE mesh to fit all of them. Not without hundred of layers and invisible mesh pieces. Which will lag out not only the wearer but everyone around them. 

    Without telling too many details, the mesh is in very low resolution. ;) 
    Don't worry about that.

    I would like to point you to the topic. BOM for custom meshes.
    Do you know a step by step tutorial?

  4. 10 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

    So, you made a singular custom mesh nailset that are rigged for every mesh body? How? 

    Build and positioned in Blender, imported to SL and done.
    It's a bit technical to describe the process in detail and it's also kind of my secret to have a unique product on the SL marketplace. ;)

  5. 1 hour ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

    If you want all the nails to have the same set of effects that will be very easy - just use a free BOM channel and stack up all the various effects using universal wearables.

    If you want to allow different nails to look different from each other that's going to get complicated. You'd need to set up a matrix with your textures and set up the wearables like that - (i.e. imagine a bingo card: "left middle toe" would be "N4", for instance). It's doable but it would be far more work than the average consumer would want to deal with.

    Yes, I have already a concept for the matrix.
    But not build or scriptet so far. Not sure how much this would cost me. :P

    The problem is that I've never worked with BOM and therefor I have a problem with planing the system.
    Also there is no simple tutorial that showcases the BOM with a custom mesh.

    45 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

    But, most mesh bodies have done away with the dozens of layers and now just use system layers. Thats what BOM is. I think you want to utilize the system layers as a hud? I dont know i there is a max for each layer, it was 5 at one time i believe, all you would have to do is make different textures for for nails and.... Wait.. Dont mesh bodies use unique nail appliers? I remember seeing different UVs for various mesh bodies in the creator packs specifically for nails. Like, Slink, Maitreya, Belleeza, and the rest all use different UVs for nails, they arent universal. ZI could be wrong, but that would throw a monkey wrench into your plans, no?

    I have my own nail system.
    It has a standard for all bodies.

  6. 11 hours ago, Lillith Hapmouche said:

    That sounds incredible laggy, just by reading it...

    Please explain it. :)

    9 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

    So, you are creating mesh nails and want to apply different layer on them using an applier?  Can't say I've ever seen a mesh item (aside from a body or head) with applier HUD that allowed more than one applier at a time.  I own mesh nails from several different places that include coloring huds and it's one color at a time.  

    Yes. That's why I'm doing it. :P

  7. My aim is to have a HUD applier system for nails.

    Different layers of patterns to apply on top of each other as a texture on the custom nail mesh.
    The colors can be changed of the individual layers.

    No tattoo, no skin or body. :P


  8. Thank you very much for explaining me the difference between "channel" and "layer".

    It's not about the skin part of the toe overlays, but about the nail itself.

    I want to build a applier system, and for that I need to know how to layer different textures on top of each other and color them individually.
    This should happen on a custom mesh with a custom UV map.


  9. Hello people,

    I'm still not experienced with BOM, but I would like to know how to use BOM on a custom mesh.

    My aim is to have different textures and layer them on top of each other, but also be able to color each channel individually.
    Is this possible?
    Does each channel have its own materials options?
    How many channels can I have per custom mesh?


  10. Thank you for this quick respond.

    Very important to understand is, that I made a mesh, which overlays the original toes.
    So, the texture is not on the mesh body but on my original mesh.

    I'm very new to BoM and I would need a tutorial for this.

    I've read the BoM Doc from LL, but couldn't get smarter afterwards. :)

    Do you know any good (video) tutorial for creators?


  11. Hello,

    I noticed that switching to "Alpha Blend" mode will darken the color.
    Is there an way to avoid the darkening effect?

    Alpha blend is important to my product. Alpha mask isn't an option!

    On the screenshot, on the left side, you can see that the light situation is affecting the mesh toes a lot.
    On the left side, there was almost no light source in the room.


    Screenshot 2021-02-06 145922.jpg

  12. Hello,

    I have a product for toes, that has a mesh overlay for the skin.
    This skin has a texture with alpha to make the skin to skin transition smoothly.

    The problem here is, that it's not easy to match the skin color perfectly of the mesh overlay with the avatar's skin.

    I thought the BoM feature could be applied on the added mesh to match the skin tone perfectly, but still respecting the alpha of the actual texture.

    See examples in-game and the actual texture of the added mesh overlay. The red lines are showcasing the alpha area.

    Question is, is it possible to do this?
    If yes, how does it work?

    I couldn't find any tutorial...


    Screenshot 2021-01-31 155606.jpg


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