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Posts posted by Vodasis

  1. 12 hours ago, Consaidin said:

    You will still need to tweak the weights of your mesh, because your mesh will have a different number of vertices in different places to the legacy mesh, so when you interpolate weights/copy them approximately to your mesh, it won't deform in a way that conforms exactly to the legacy body. Around joints too you have to be more particular, as if you use smoothing, you'll often end up with super bendy, noodle-looking arms, not arms that follow a natural-looking bone structure. Because of this, I don't usually smooth around the elbow, personally. You need a sharp bend for it to look realistic.

    I smooth where posing the armature shows all jagged vertices and not a smooth surface, to try to work out an average weighting between vertices, and more often on parts of the body that are more gently contoured.

    It's often a matter of finding which bone is deforming the mesh you are working on, which I do by going down the list of bones affecting a vertices, just to make sure that I don't have a foot affecting an arm or something. That can happen sometimes if you have normalise or multi-paint on, so where you are running into problems with weights constantly appearing, it can help to turn them off (just be wary when subtracting of zero weights!)


    Thank you very much for your explanation. I’ll try that !! 

  2. Yes, the problem is the skirt clipping through the leg but also the holes appearing on the arm when I move/rotate it. 

    The armature came with the Legacy Body I’m using to train. But thank you for your help, I will already try what to told me. :) 

  3. Hello there, 

    i would like someone to help me with an issue. I’m currently learning how to mesh and everything went fine in Blender until this https://gyazo.com/b1ce001bf44369e189e4e301def73943 happen. I rigged it manually, without Avastar by transferring weights then smoothing it (with Three Interations). I don’t know what to do to fix it. Can someone help me, please? 

    thanking you in advance,

    Harmony Cane. 

  4. Hello there, 

    I'm trying to learn how to use blender to make clothes, furnitures and more in the future, in Second Life. But the main problem I have is when I import my creations in SL,   materials aren't on them. Only the mesh is exporting to SL Why is that? And how can I fix it?


    Thank you in advance!

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