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Posts posted by Infernius000

  1. So a(n) Acquaintance of mine uses firestorm (So this may not be fitted in this conversation) and she's having a(n) issue with her screen being blue. As far as I know and from what she has said, its only on the viewer end. I myself do not know if it's affecting the other applications such as games or the internet browser. So if anyone has a comment on how to resolve this issue, it'll be greatly appreciated. P.S. Not being a schmuck with the answer would be greatly appreciated

  2. Does anyone here have any recommended mods for the +SG+ Dragon Head? Thinking of updating one of my avatars with that head and wanted to know if there are any good mods. For those whom would ask, I would like to have a mod that's red/black (Alas I know that there isn't one of the marketplace unless commissioned.) Any feedback would be greatly appreciated

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