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Posts posted by L3r0yj3nk1ns

  1. 39 minutes ago, Pixie Kobichenko said:

    Good golly but ain’t you just striving to be obtuse.  No one but you commented on singular individuals who changed party affiliations.

    You know darn good & well there was an attempt(s) to enlighten you that party platforms & policies slowly changed over about a 70 year span. You can holler Strom Thurman into the cosmos all day long.  Doesn’t change or invalidate what was presented to you.

    the Dixicrats came from the democrat party and returned to the Democrat party after the election of 1948. Thurmond switched to republican in 1964, and was pretty much the only one who did. This is yalls big switch? Democrats kept charging forward with their vile racism, with Hillarys good old buddy Byrd being one of them. He even filibustered the Civil rights act of 1964 and was one of the ones the voting rights act of 1965. Her statement was he was a friend and mentor, lol...you cant make this crap up. When Jim Crow, segregation and the Klu Klux KLan wasnt winning them elections, elections dominated by Republicans between 1865 and the 1920s, they must have thought they needed a new plan. Maybe your talking about FDRs New Deal? You know the one where he tried to get the support of the southern Democrats, and they flatly told him that they would come on board as long as he made no effort to overturn segregation or lynching. Of course he agreed to this, the NAACP was really hoping he would jump on board with the anti lynching bills in 1922, but he would not because he needed the southern democrat racists to pass New Deal legislation.  Funny thing is his wife Eleanor support anti lynching bills and championed them. FDR even hooked those Democrat racists out by getting Hugo Black, KKK member , appointed to the Supreme court. Lets not forget the Social Security Act of 1935 which the southern democrats, whose support FDR needed, again black balled and made sure it did not apply to agricultural laborers nor domestic servants—a pool of workers that included at least 60 percent of the nation's black population. New Deal programs like the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) and the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) were segregated and offered the best jobs to whites. The administration denied FHA loans to blacks seeking to move into white neighborhoods, but they did assist blacks in buying homes in black areas. Despite all of this enormous pandering to the racist Democrats in the south in complete opposition to the black community, by 1936 75% of blacks became Democrats on the promise of this "New Deal" So yeah I suppose there was "big switch" but it wasnt what you propose, where the Republican party became the racists...not by a flipping long shot

    • Haha 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Pixie Kobichenko said:


    educate YOURSELF & recognize that the parties switched platforms slowly between the end of the civil war & early 20th century.  Pussycat addressed this to you. 

    I’ve mentioned this in past threads, but I will lay it out again, for additional clarity:  

    “Eric Rauchway, professor of American history at the University of California, Davis, pins the transition to the turn of the 20th century, when a highly influential Democrat named William Jennings Bryan blurred party lines by emphasizing the government's role in ensuring social justice through expansions of federal power — traditionally, a Republican stance.”


    again, there was only one dixicrat that switched parties, Strom Thurmon...educate yourself

    • Haha 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

    What the Klansman posting that video doesn't want to acknowledge is that the party's switched placed.

    Yes, the Republican party was actually started by Lincoln and co-horts for their pro-union platform. And yes the Democrats were the actual leaders of the Confederacy and after the war many of them were re-seated right back into Congress under that party.

    But then 1908 happened and the Democrats became the 'labor party' as a ploy to get votes... but it then took over the platform...

    And the Unions happened. And they had to integrate the Unions to stop strike busters. But that led to the Civil Rights movement getting backed by the Unions and Northern Democrats...

    ... and that led to Nixon telling the Southern Democrats that the Republicans would forever stand against Civil Rights, so come on over to their tent... and Reagan doubled down on that in the 1980s by adding in that the Republicans will 'forever be anti-gay anti-women so come on over if you oppose those groups', bringing in the Evangelicals...

    and by the 1990s, and in fact while Clinton was in office, the Dixiecrats had mostly moved over. The very last of them switched parties either while Clinton or Bush Jr. was in office - I forget which...


    There was only one dixicrat that switched parties, Strom Thurmon...educate yourself instead of using ridiculous Klansmen comments

    • Haha 1
  4. Correct Paul, and thats why i entered it into the conversation. Its unfortunate there some in our society that can only view absolutley everything through the lens of race. I think logic can dictate that if you look for race in everything you will definitely find it. The moment you parrot a phrase like " A white man killed a black man" you are falling prey to that ugly mentality of viewing absolutely everything through race. Evil actions have a root cause 100% of the time, when attribute that root cause immediately to race instead of absolute evil in one humans heart, your stoking that view. What would happen if every interaction with every single human was based on content of character and not color of skin? What if I promise to never call you black and you never call me white?  Please remove the ideology of group identity and focus on individual identity and individual responsibility.

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  5. I think a more important thing to ponder is why we would even look through the lens of race. Its unfortunate that there are some in this world who see absolutely everything through a lens of race, I would assume that if we looked at that logically, if your looking for racism, you will find it. In Second Life I think its much easier to look at an individual based on their personal identity and character, because most times your not actually seeing their real selves. Similar to dating someone in SL, most times the barrier of "looks" is removed and you actually just talk to someone, which in most cases its hard to hide someones actual character for long periods of times. Ive had a few alts in SL and ive never seen any racism outright, but I have seen basic character flaws, and I am sure they have seen mine. I really believe we have to stop looking for racism around every corner, view someone for their individual character.

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