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Posts posted by perdidodesmuertes

  1. Sorry, after looking at it I have a follow on question. What if your walker is rezzed on a non-walkable surface, how do you make it work? An example is the Firestorm Covid kitty give away. Its a cat that can walk around and interact. It seems to work anywhere. Is there a pathfinder workaround? Do they code llMoveToTarget moves in case its not walkable?

  2. I've been trying to get llWanderWithin or llPatrolPoints to work at different elevations above ground. It works fine real close to ground, using ll examples, but if I raise the platform its on more than a few meters, it stops working. I need it to figure out how to run at any elevation, like if someone rezzes it in a skybox, or anywhere.

    Any ideas?

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