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Posts posted by Modulated

  1. Been messing around with the Jamie avatar again and I do like the options it comes BUT I find the head to not be versatile when it comes to shaping it with the sliders...I want to like it........

  2. I know what the minimum specs are for SL/ Firestorm, but I am helping someone put together a low cost system with used parts and this particular gpu -the non ti version- is going for a decent price used. Is anyone using this particular card with the PBR viewer, and how would you say it performs?

    I know people's first inclination is to say get this and this and that..lol..but that is not necessary, I specially want to know how this card performs for you if you have it.  Thank you.

  3. 21 minutes ago, Kathrine Jansma said:

    Are you maybe undervolting your GPU? I saw some similar artifacts when i undervolted my AMD RX Vega 56.

    Vram overclocking will do that, undervolting too much usually leads to a black screen reboot.  I am curious if its just happening at the place being shown or anywhere in SL, the OP failed to mention that .

  4. 7 minutes ago, Perrie Juran said:

    "Because Linden dollars has a determinable value in the real market, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCen), a bureau of the United States Department of the Treasury, recognized Linden Money as a convertible centralized virtual currency in 2013. This means that there are tax implications for any transaction involving Linden Dollars. "



    ...only when they are sold for actual money like USD, and then transferred out of SL does that kick in.  You could make a zillion Linden in SL and if you never move it out its not taxable pretty much, it stays space bux.

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  5. 2 hours ago, Gopi Passiflora said:

    I guess I never grew out of that "imaginary friend" phase.

    There's Gopi the grey alien (well he is one most of the time), John the shapeshifter, a bunch of women, a bunch of men, and a whole lot of various non-humans.

    Questions for you:

    -What do you use alt accounts for?

    -BONUS: Is what I'm doing - having alt accounts as imaginary friends/enemies/etc. - bad?

    You sure do start a lot of threads wanting to know specific information...

    • Sad 1
  6. 31 minutes ago, Teagan Tobias said:


    Yes, I am running Linux Mint Cinnamon 21, but you’ve bypassed my capabilities, LOL, I think you’ve gone to plaid.

    For what ever its worth my update manager tells me my system is up to date, but I will do some reading, thanks for the input.

    Oh , its all good. Mint sticks with an older kernel in the release for better compatibility with older hardware,  and they do offer an edge kernel for newer stuff in a separate iso but no need to reinstall your system. You can just pull the newer kernel in.  It's fairly straightforward, open your update manager, then go to view up top, then select linux kernels. You will get a message about the potential side effects of installing something newer, which is just a precaution, click through that, then  you should see a newer kernel listed under the 6.5 branch. Just click the top most, then select install on the dialogue box. Your previous kernel is still going to be there , but this is the pain free method and simplest and will update on its own without needing to add repositories as its coming straight from the default ones. 

  7. 7 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

    I've pointed it out myself in a zillion threads before, that there doesn't need to be any reason at all.. I was more or less just basically giving  a sort of history lesson on why some may be choosing the specific reasons that I was pointing out.. As well as kind of saying, Don't let them rent space in your head..

    There is too many places on the grid that will love to have us shorties hangin out, to be sweatin the places that don't know what they're missin.. hehehe

    Click click, Bang bang, Pow pow, hang hang.. hehehe


    Not the Baby Bash! Man that takes me back! Scuse me while I slide into the frame with ....


    • Like 1
  8. 20 minutes ago, Ingrid Ingersoll said:

    There's a lot of them. There's one in boys town that is no females allowed. Boys town, you know the group that has a a big showcase in the secondlife welcome hub? Yeah not so welcoming to women apparently. That's okay though, no one is complaining about that cause it's women. So who cares. 

    The owner of said establishment is also a jackhole. lol

  9. On 4/1/2024 at 12:04 PM, Teagan Tobias said:

    Kokua Release RLV (64bit)
    Release Notes

    Second Life Server 2024-02-21.7995320426
    Release Notes

    CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 7700X 8-Core Processor (3000 MHz)
    Memory: 31213 MB
    OS Version: Linux 5.15.0-101-generic #111-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 5 20:16:58 UTC 2024 x86_64
    Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
    Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060/PCIe/SSE2

    OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 525.147.05

    Window size: 1920x1052
    Font Size Adjustment: 96pt
    UI Scaling: 1
    Draw distance: 128m
    Bandwidth: 1500kbit/s
    LOD factor: 3
    Render quality: 5
    Advanced Lighting Model: Enabled
    Texture memory: 1024MB
    Disk cache: Max size 1638.4 MB (100.3% used)

    RestrainedLove API: Disabled
    J2C Decoder Version: KDU v8.2.1
    Audio Driver Version: FMOD Studio 2.02.15
    CEF-Version: Dullahan:
      CEF: 91.1.23+g04c8d56+chromium-91.0.4472.164
      Chromium: 91.0.4472.164
    LibVLC Version: 2.2.3
    Voice Server Version: Not Connected
    Built with GCC version 70500
    Packets Lost: 0/2695 (0.0%)
    April 01 2024 09:57:10
    I also modify:
    RenderAvatarLODFactor -- 3
    RenderAvatarPhysicsLODFactor -- 2
    RenderVolumeLODFactor  -- 3
    MeshMaxConcurrentRequests  --  30 

    Try updating to a newer kernel for that hardware, I don't know how you managed to get it installed on one so old, so I am guessing you use something like Mint Linux. You can install the upstream Ubuntu kernel, the HWE kernel or even a third party, but well trusted one, like Liquorix which I use. For newer hardware like you have , you definitely want a 6 series kernel.  You should see a major jump in performance.

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