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Posts posted by Jezmerelda

  1. Thanks for letting me know about this and trying to help. I'll get a ticket put in, and also look to move into one of the new houses, although I can see that this may not be easy. The advice on here however will hopefully make it a bit easier! 🙂


  2. I've just got one of the new Californian style homes in a new development - Cranberry Ridge. this one seems to have a house controller inside the house that links internally in SL to a webpage. The link doesn't work and goes to a page that doesn't fill properly. As such I can't change any settings or the security.

    I've tried using the On-line chat function, however can't get the pop-up chat button visible (triezd allowing pop-ups on that page in Edge). Does anyone know if the On-line chat support is working at present given the current situation?




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