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Posts posted by JorgeMonarc

  1. ok so i did as you said it i got this now

    im not sure about the translate transform kinda confused there





    On 3/15/2020 at 3:13 AM, OptimoMaximo said:

    Did you make sure your shirt's origin point is exactly at zero coordinates? Select the shirt, ctrl+A to apply Translation. Then make sure also the avastar rig is centered, select it in object mode and zero out its translate transforms (hit N to get the panel where these can be found) 

  2. thank you gonna give it a try.

    12 hours ago, anna2358 said:

    Use the beta grid for testing.  Uploads are free. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Preview_Grid


    yeah i was wondering why it popped out so much if it looks fine on my blender

    11 hours ago, OptimoMaximo said:

    You will pay for any further attempt you make, so as suggested by Anna up here, use the beta grid for testing and upload to SL the successful test. 

    If your chest is popping out too much, that's most likely your avatar shape. If you edit the sliders in Avastar you can see how the mesh reacts to your chest shape. See your inworld avatar chest setting and apply it on the avastar sliders, most likely you'll see the same popping effect. Adjust the weights accordingly, then bring everything back to the default shape

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