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JaelPikalo Morningstar

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Posts posted by JaelPikalo Morningstar

  1. On 10/15/2023 at 1:47 AM, FranzVonRichthofen said:


    I recently purchased my first amount of Lindens. I paid $44 (which I know includes tax and fees) and I received L$ 9840.

    But when I looked on the recent exchange rates it says L$ 10000 should be $ 31.25. Even with adding tax and fees surely the L$ 9840 I purchased shouldn't come to the $44 I paid? In fact, if the website I used for exchange rates is correct then for that amount of Lindens it should be $ 30.75, then a bit more for tax and fees.

    This is the website I used:  https://ld.currencyrate.today/

    Is this the wrong website to use? Is there a site that gives me the correct exchange rate so I know before I buy?

    I'm just trying to work out how much money it will cost me to rent land each month when I know the amount in Lindens.


    Thank you




    This is exact my question. Online several places about the worth of Linden Dollars, it tells me that the rate is for example 344 linden for 1 dollar. On the website of SecondLife, you only get 249 lindens for a dollar... What is happening here? As you pay costs and exchange rates already, the least you expect, is that the real rate will be handled.


    Thank you.


  2. 23 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    What product are you using for internet security?

    Try dropping your bandwidth - start at 1500 and then play around with a bit to see if you can find a value that helps.  It used to be that anything higher than 1500 was unstable, but I don't know if that is still true or not.  You can change that via Preferences before actually logging in.

    Next time you log in, immediately press Ctrl + Shift + 1 to open the Statistics panel.  Watch the numbers for Packet Loss and Ping Sim.  You need Packet Loss to be 0 or very close to that -- things like 0.01 are fine.  For Ping Sim, the lower the better - best is less than 100 ms, but I think you are fine up to roughly 200 or so.

    Also, when the viewer was last "stuck", did it actually lock the entire PC up?  If not, if it happens again, you can try to kill the process via the Task Manager - if Windows 10, right click in the task bar area and select Task Manager.

    I use AVG Ultimate for internet security.  I have reïnstalled it and now it is working fine again.

    Dropping bandwidth is an option I will surely try. Have changed it in Preferences.

    My packet loss is 0.5%.. Do not know how to change it..

    Yes, when it get stuck, all gets stuck,  I had to stop the programm in the task manager. And then restart the whole pc. Afterwards I need to reïnstall the programm to get it working again.

    Thanks for the help.

  3. Second Life Release (64bit)
    Release Notes

    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz (1992 MHz)
    Memory: 7614 MB
    OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 18363.592)
    Graphics Card Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
    Graphics Card: Radeon (TM) 530

    Windows Graphics Driver Version:
    OpenGL Version: 4.2.13476 Compatibility Profile Context

    Window size: 1920x1001
    Font Size Adjustment: 96pt
    UI Scaling: 1
    Draw distance: 128m
    Bandwidth: 3000kbit/s
    LOD factor: 1.125
    Render quality: 4
    Advanced Lighting Model: Enabled
    Texture memory: 512MB
    VFS (cache) creation time: February 09 2020 07:43:47

    J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.10.4
    Audio Driver Version: FMOD Ex 4.44.64
    Dullahan: 1.1.1320 / CEF: 3.3626.1895.g7001d56 / Chromium: 72.0.3626.121
    LibVLC Version: 2.2.8
    Voice Server Version: Not Connected
    February 09 2020 07:44:55

  4. I am new here to, but the viewer gets stuck comletely. I have to reboot my pc to get it running again. And next to that my internet security did suddenly not work at all anymore. This is no fun anymore... How to prevent this sort of things?


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