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Jolly Nova

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Posts posted by Jolly Nova

  1. Hey everyone! Club Strato is hiring and we want you! Yes YOU!


    If you enjoy:

    • Playing sweet, sweet tunes
    • Interacting with the crowd
    • Dancing!
    • Having fun!
    • Earning Tips that you 100% Keep
    • Enjoy being in a club that is 100% all inclusive.
    • A synthwave/cyberwave vibe themed club

    We Want You!

    Come by and fill out an app!


    We look forward to hearing from you. ♥


  2. Are you looking to DJ, have a live performance, or host? We've got you covered! Our staff keeps 100% of their tips!
    But hold on, who are we? I'm so glad you asked! We are a synthwave themed club with amazing lights, great tunes, a fun dance floor as well as areas to hang out and chill with friends. We are located in an Adult Region and nudity is allowed. Club Strato is a casual club where everyone, yes! EVERYONE, is welcome. Furries, humans and everything 
    in-between. LGBTQ+ friendly, we love everyone!

    If you can:

    • Be on time
    • Use Discord
    • Rez your own tip jar (We do provide a free one)
    • Interact with the crowd
    • Greet people
    • Promote events and our group
    • Have fun!

    Please Apply! We can't wait to chat with you.
    Application links included Below, as well as our Flickr and Surl.

    DJ Application
    Host Application
    Club Strato Flickr
    Club Strato




  3. Who are we?

    We are a fun, energetic and brand new club where you can relax, chill, and dance your feet away. Club Strato is located in an Adult Region adjacent to the Plaza 94 Mall, which is a retro themed 90's mall, a delight to visit! Yes we are new. We have advertising everywhere however, such as on SugarSL and have many people dropping in everyday to visit. We are laid back, and want to have fun! We don't have hundreds of rules either.

    If you enjoy:

    • Dancing the night away
    • Meeting new people
    • Jamming to excellent music
    • Interacting with the crowd
    • and making 100% of your tips

    We want you!

    Guess what? YOU keep 100% of your tips. We love our staff!
    Hours of operation are: 5PM-11PM SLT
    How to Apply?
    DJ/Live Performer Application
    Host Application



  4. Club Strato is looking for you!

    We are hiring DJ's and Hosts!

    We are preparing for our grand opening on New Year's Eve and we want you to be a part of it! 

    If you: Love dancing, talking to people, listening to live DJ's and live mixes, enjoy a cozy club with excellent and atmospheric lighting, seating areas and a VIP section... Come apply!

    Are you new to Second Life? That's okay! We can train hosts! 

    Our rules are pretty simple! Don't violate the ToS and don't be a dick. :)

    What kind of club are we? Live mixes, Live DJ's, chill vibe, cyberwave themed where you can bring your friends and dance or just chill. Furries and humans welcome in!

    DJ Application 
    Host Application


  5. Love the way they updated the preview and as a result I took more photos, and updated all my info about each home. You can find it all right here: My Flickr

    I was happy and surprised by the decorated house, I've never seen them do that before! I'm enjoying the fluffed up landscaping and the color choices that are now displayed and I'm glad that the Lindens and Moles took the time to color the homes and plant more trees and flowers. :)

    Was thrilled with the theme already, the update just makes it that much better.

    Aerial View EDIT.png

    Bradbury EDIT.png

    • Like 5
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  6. 4 hours ago, davidventer said:

    People seem to abide by the rules just fine when it comes to Linden Homes, and also shops on Private Regions with strict covenants. How would this be any different or need more policing than that? This wouldn't be the messy mainland. The mainland doesn't have a structure, a theme, nor a covenant, that's why it's so messy - No rules to abide by other than SL's basic TOS.

    But with Linden Shops there should be a Covenant with rules in place as with Linden Homes. People seem to stick by the rules. Why would they suddenly not when it comes to commercial spaces? What's the difference really?  

    I guess you're thinking it'll become like the messy mainland? Big difference. The mainland doesn't have a covenant. Give people more credit. People are fully capable of abiding by covenant regulations. Linden Homes prove that. Are Linden homes a messy nightmare for LL? Do people create eyesores and place things out of theme everywhere? No. This would be no different than that other than the ability to sell things, display the land in search, and create classifieds from it. 

    In my exploration of Bellisseria, people do not follow the rules, especially with orbs, breedables, platforms and walls. What helps police that is the residents who care about what their neighborhood looks like and AR's it. But would a resident report their favorite creator for violating the covenant? Probably not. I've had the pleasure of working with many creators for events. A handful understand and happily comply to rules of the event, most grumble about some of the rules but comply... and then you have the other handful that thinks any event would be so lucky as to have them and everyone should worship the ground they walk on and rules simply don't apply to them.

    There would also need to be a new covenant specifically for commercial regions since currently, you cannot have a shop that exchanges goods for Linden dollars. 

    It wouldn't become mainland. However there would HAVE to be strict policing of the commercial regions. There's a lot of things that are "gray" areas of the ToS that could end up in the shops, and not everyone seems to know what Moderate means. 

    Also, if a shop sells things that go outside... if they aren't in the theme of the area they're in... wouldn't that make the area ugly? Their products would get constantly AR'ed and then no one would buy from them. That being said, what goes IN the shops would need to match the theme of the area.

    I just don't see Moles or Lindens having the time to do all those things, their plates are already overflowing.

    I'm not opposed to the idea of shops. I just imagine all the work on the back end and that's probably what has stalled LL from doing it to begin with.

    • Like 2
  7. I love the idea.

    However, getting shop owners to follow rules and themes is an entirely different and agonizing can of worms.

    There would also have to be daily checks, if not hourly especially when new shops are filled to ensure that they are within the ToS and Covenant. Which means, more Linden Labs Staff or stretch some Moles and current staff a bit thin. 

    I think there would probably need to be an application to have a shop, that makes them agree to the ToS and Covenant, that someone looks at and reviews, and looks at the creator's shop to ensure that the content will be within something that is acceptable for Bellisseria. For example, they probably wouldn't want Sensations or Vaw because lewd. (Which loops us back to more staff or stretching staff)

    Limited time shops, like events... again... back to micro-managing creators and if it's only for a week, many won't want to do it. They get slammed with trying to make new things, update items, participate in sales, different events, have their own events, and... welp they're already extremely busy.

    (Not all creators defy all the rules in the universe, it's just occasionally hard to work with some. There's a lot of really fabulous creators who bend over backwards for the venues that host them and their customers.)

    If there were a shop region added here and there in the middle of the themes, they'd have to yeet existing regions for it. 

    Would the creators need to get approval for adding new things to their shop? Would clothing be allowed? Clothing is risky stuff, especially since a lot of ads show a lot of skin. Would all the landscaping shops need approval for selling landscaping in particular themed areas? Would items being sold need to specifically fit the LL Home themes or just as long as they don't violate ToS? 

    So many questions, so many things to consider for something like this to actually happen. I can only imagine the absolute headache this could be for LL. The only possibility I see this happening is when all the new themes are released, and maybe there will be some Moles to spare to manage all the chaos.


  8. 13 minutes ago, Matthieu Quander said:

    I understand the need for more 512 options, and am glad to see those. 

    What I don't understand is why the models of homes that are used on the 512 parcels aren't also available for the 1024 parcels. Unless this was strictly something they decided to do for the demo, there are four home models available for the 1024 parcels, and a different four available for the 512 parcels.  Obviously the 1024 models may not fit on the 512 parcels, but the opposite shouldn't be true.   

    Yes! I would have liked the smaller homes on a 1024li plot, because... I like decorating but I also like small homes.

    • Like 6
  9. I like the new theme, it's very different from the others and I think that's a good thing.

    The pools are delightful, and it would have been a nightmare to give every house their own pool.

    Big streets are nice, I might be able to swerve from hitting on-coming traffic. No promises though.

    It's fabulous that there's 8 different homes and two different plot sizes, people won't have to give up their 512m of mainland should they want this. 

    I personally really like the smaller ones though and wish they were on a 1024li parcel so I can decorate up the wazoo... however they're very modern after all and usually sparse décor works with that.

    Don't really mind the sparse landscaping... it kinda goes with a minimalist look and... might help keep the lag down.

    However, it's important to keep in mind that it's a demo, and the end product can change. Someone said somewhere (lol, I know what that sounds like, gotta love rumors) that there's a post/comment by a Linden or a Mole that it's an actual complete copy of the theme and will be used... but it's still a demo ya'll. They could easily consider some input from everyone's reactions to the reveal and adjust accordingly... (Unless they're got a massive area built).


    • Like 3
  10. I've taken a photo of each home, what size plot it's sitting on, and how many Li is available for décor. My photos are usually better, but I realized too late that my photo size was smoll and my graphics were low, so don't judge the textures etc., too harshly. 🤪

    LH Newbrooke Theme Preview Winter 2021

    [Edit] I yeeted the not so great photos and replaced them with better ones. 

    LH Newbrooke - Faraday_001.png

    • Like 7
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  11. On 10/13/2021 at 8:32 AM, Rowan Amore said:

    I just noticed this new body coming out in November.  It will be interesting to see if it gets the same support the female version has gotten.  

    November 18th


    I’d… take him for a ride. That’ll get rid of some cobwebs for sure. ❤️

  12. I wouldn’t have to find shoes, pants, or otherwise for my new body. 😂

    in all seriousness though I enjoy feeling like a complete and functional being in SL and loosing half of me would just feel wrong. I still insist on having bathrooms in my homes despite ripping all the scripts out… just something about the immersion I guess. 

    • Like 1
  13. On 11/5/2021 at 8:47 AM, Female Winslet said:

    Between a car accident that happened about the same time I made the announcement that continues to mess with my upper body, and the attacks, both verbal and griefing, I have to admit it’s become a much more difficult thing for me to invest in and actually finish building. I’ve got a ton of artifacts from the original CC. Far more than I can fit in the museum, frankly, thanks to the support of others. But I’ve also got arms that I need for doing the work that aren’t in great shape and I’m discouraged. I guess in that latter regard, that’s kinda the point because so are many others. The museum is meant as a tribute to what BJoy and Doc did that was beloved by so many. And I guess the memory is all the more important. Now if I could just spend more than a brief time doing stuff in SL without my arms gettin inflamed from wrist to shoulder . . . .

    Oh no!!! I’m so sorry, that must be super frustrating! I hope your arms heal up completely. Hugs!

    • Like 1
  14. On 10/29/2021 at 3:24 PM, Lysistrata Szapira said:

    Aside from my favorite brands which get their own folder no matter what year I purchased their items, all of my clothing is sorted by year and then by type of item:  subfolders for formal wear, jewelry, costumes, short dresses, tops, etc.  I have subfolders under some of these as well, especially for types of jewelry (necklaces/bracelets/sets) or shoes (boots/heels/flats).   If I have a lot of one type of item from a particular store (but that store has not made it to favorite status) in a folder, I will usually create a folder for that store (example: Short Dresses>Pixi Cat).    I periodically sort through those folders and put into store brand folders if I have more than 1 or 2 items from the store.

    I also have a folder strictly for Luxe Box items that have passed the purge test over the years. 

    I purge about once or twice a year, and move items older than a certain age into a folder called "Older Clothes (not to trash)" because I simply want to keep some older items.  For example, I recently moved everything from prior to 2016 into that Older Clothes folder (still sorted into sub-types).  That folder really came in handy with BOM because I had held on to the higher quality system layer items I had from the pre-mesh days.  Let me tell you it was a beeyutch trying on every layer though to judge it. Ugh.  I tossed a lot, but surprisingly I have some really old system layers that do look good on mesh bodies. 

    I use exclamation points in my folder names to keep my top brands at, well, the top, but inside each top brand folder, I have again separated out items by type (pants, etc.).

    Under each year, I also have a folder for Halloween wearables, and I always set up a folder for wearable things collected during Christmas advent calendar marathons (non-wearable holiday items go into furnishings and outdoor decorating folders).  The next year I go through the prior year and purge anything that no longer fits my aesthetic.

    I tried sorting by color in my short dresses/tops folders, but with so many things coming with color HUDs now, I quit because it was rather pointless.   I also don't classify by season beyond things that are obviously holiday-oriented.

    I must confess that every year I have a sub-folder labeled "Snarky Shirts" because I love snarky shirts. :P  For my collections of gacha clothing items from The Time Before (tm), I keep them in folders labeled by the store & gacha names for easy locating. 

    I find using the yearly method most efficient as that makes it easy for me to find where to start purging.  By now, items from 2016 and back have been sorted/purged multiple times so I don't need to sort them again.  I've already started working on purging 2020's items. 




    And now I wish you could come organise my inventory because I thought I was doing all right but then saw this and was like oh mah gah I’ve been doing it wrong. 

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