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Posts posted by Tessley

  1. The music was definitely on that parcel. I walked around and could not hear it elsewhere.  It is good to know that I can clear it should that happen again.  

    At my last home one of the neighbors had it full of pinball machines. I could hear them constantly, day and night. I had planned on getting my own sound but I ran out of prims/land capacity. 


  2. Hey all! I am a newbie and yes you have probably seen me flying around looking at land. Maybe not. Second Life is a much larger world than it seems. But I do fly around sometimes looking at place to see where I want to live and spend my time. I took a Meadowbrook home and set it up but I was not happy there because the neighbor hood seems to be empty and I filled the home up way to fast. I didn't have that much furniture but the land impact was so much I had to take stuff out so I could change clothes. I, like most of you would love a Bellisseria home. I thought about living on a houseboat for a while until there are more Traditional homes available. I kept getting new locations and each time there was something wrong so I would turn it back in get another location only for there to be something wrong or for it to be the previous one they had given me; which I had turned back in already. Finally I ran out; and they shut me down for 24 hours. 

    This is what I found:
    First of all; Each time I landed in the water. I came up and would never be sure which houseboat was mine. I assumed and I guess it was correct, that it was the one directly in front of me in the water. So, it kept sending me to these two locations. At one there was music, I am assuming left from the previous owner and I had no control over it so I turned the home back in. At the other one there was some kind of red script over it X's 3. Yes the red script was visible three times. Have any of you experienced this? Just curious.

    For now I will remain homeless and wander. Hopefully I, as all of you will be able to get into our new homes soon.


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