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Posts posted by SueDNim

  1. On 12/15/2019 at 3:45 PM, Sakura Sands said:

    Who here is planning on buying all new furniture to fit the style of their new Victorian home when it comes out?  I usually prefer a more modern relaxed look for my furniture but I’m not sure if my existing furniture will fit well in a Victorian.

    Here's how I'm looking at it. Bear in mind that I'm a clueless newbie. It's in the covenant that we can decorate the inside of our house any way at all that we like; only the outside needs to conform to a general theme.

    So who's to say that my avatar isn't fresh out of college and poor? She inherited a refurbished Victorian in an old neighborhood, from her great-aunt. She moves in with her collegiate orange crate furniture and bean bag chairs. It's her house and her style, and she's not only not hurting anybody, maybe she's a breath of fresh air in the neighborhood. Maybe she bikes around the neighborhood waving to the neighbors, and the stodgy old blue-hairs think she's cute as a button. Maybe as she earns more money and gets a bit better taste, she will begin buying nicer furniture, but it will still be in whatever style she chooses. 

    That's my RP way of justifying a mish-mash of styles. For those who are now thinking, "but I don't roleplay", I contend that everybody who is even considering buying period furniture to match the style of their house is roleplaying right now. :)

    I'm enjoying the challenge of finding low cost, low prim (hopefully both) furnishings that, in my mind, can loosely fit into a Victorian theme. I've got some Queen Anne-ish, some Chesterfield-ish, side by side with a few distinctly modern things like picture frames and a steam punk clock. It all looks good to me. It's all pretty low detail and cheap, but it's a work in progress. I've got a porch swing that I love that I think looks distinctly American midwest or maybe Cape Cod-ish. It looks great with the house, no matter what period it's from. I also have a tie-dyed hippie flag flying from my cupola. VERY unusual for this neighborhood, but I dig it and it helps me find my house! LOL.

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  2. Pushin' 60 here. Pretty sure that counts!

    I'm not in SL for pretend sex, for a boyfriend, or for a romance. 

    I do like to shop, but that's mostly because I'm a newbie and apparently shopping is a survival tactic when you're a newly born Ruth in a world of high fashion avatars.

    I'm here to relax, to listen to live music or just good music, to explore, to do whatever sounds like fun at the moment, and to get creative. I'm here to do things I can't or won't do in 1st life.

    I was also wondering where all of the old farts are. I found and joined three "elders" groups, but nobody chats and there are no group notices. I think they all died.

    It would be nice to just hang out with people I can relate to.

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