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Posts posted by NeekyN

  1. 4 hours ago, janetosilio said:

    Yeah, it sounds more like a booty shake animation.

    I really don’t want to make recommendations if I’m not sure what’s being described.

    yes its like that 

  2. On instagram and facebook,  i've seen a lot of female avatars usinga twerking animation that shakes while they can be idle from the waist down, i thought it was CloudBottle's Bootyquake but its not it. Anyone know what else it could be ?

  3. So recently when i tried to log on to Black Dragon, it freezes at 70-78% in "precaching" and will not go any further. I've uninstalled, reinstalled, and it does the exact same thing still. I'm getting frustrated because its never happened before . I have to log into firestorm just to close out BD because the whole window freezes. 

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