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Posts posted by AWRCATS Writer

  1. in 2011 many RP-sims were associated to a really really huge 'continent' of wildwest-RP. Well, it broke into pieces by different interpretation of behavior of roleplayers, the question about more or less rules, the grade of history-like RP... before Tucson Chronicle was able to investigate all parts in a WW-RP-map (stored idea, but not forgotten). I think the time and money you need to spend to run such a huge associated system with so many different roleplayers of many nations, that's the mix of reasons, why those systems can break apart. I loved canoing for half an hour realtime in the system of rivers, creeks and canyons without getting to one spot a second time... or riding or driving a cart. Hmm AZ Arizona, Arizona West and NM New Mexico still exist, but you won't find the Ute but the Apache there ready for an intense RP. But you can, thanks SL, jump with a snip of your fingers over some unknown waters to the other wildwest-RP-areas, they're still there. What do you prefer, desert, half desert, woods, canyons, mountains, rough or cosy landscapes? Ask me for an initial trip, IM recommended. You'll meet most of the times sunday at Tucson, AZ Arizona or in the surrounding WW-RP-areas.  Das Ganze geht für mich auf Deutsch natürlich einfacher als auf English oder Französisch ;), aber es gibt ja notfalls auch Übersetzungshilfen.  

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