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Posts posted by AlolaMonroe

  1. Hello;

    I posted a couple days ago looking for Department heads and a few other positions for roles within a Political Project I am starting and to much success have filled every role except for the Chief Political officer. I will repost again a bit of Information on the project and position. If you are politically knowledgable and have a understanding of government or simply are political junkie this is a unique paid position for you and I encourage you to apply.


    • Name
    • Position Interested in?
    • Experience which qualifies you for the position?
    • SL or RL skills that would make you a better fit for the role?
    • Time zone and time availability?
    • Management or Budget experience?
    • Any interest or experience in political affairs?


    This is a paid position.





    I am looking for people who have experience in SIM/ group RP management. I am starting a new Political/Government themed project that will have a bit of role play in it but for the most part will heavily be involved in managing the finances, policies, infrastructure and running of sim and group. I will be financially backing the group as far as purchasing the land, financing the group but I would like the main council to start making decisions from the start from the budgets to what land we need to buy, activities, what infrastructure is needed, political involvement and so forth.

    The group will have full autonomy over the finances, rules, development and every aspect of the project. 

    I therefor am looking for a handful of people to act as the first council (Council of Ministers) in order to get things up and started with decision making. Each member of the council will manage the budget for there respective department and vote on each matter that comes before it. The following positions I am Immediately looking to fill before I sit down with the council as a whole are as followed with a description.



    Councillor for Political Development: This position requires someone with a understanding of government/political affairs as well as some knowledge of role playing. While the main Idea of the sim is to develop a mock government to run a sim and it's land as opposed to traditional management, minimal elements of Role Play are incorporated here. The head of this department must be knowledgable in political affairs and will be tasked with developing the political infrastructure of the project. 



  2. Hi moll

    I dont have a specific era of time period imagined. I think the focus would be to develope and expirement to see how a group in the format of a government/politicsl structure could manage things. I envision any kind of SL residents, regardless of there species or anything else being fully able to participate.


    However I want to leave the development and future up to the group itself.

  3. Hello Everyone!

    I am looking for people who have experience in SIM/ group RP management. I am starting a new Political/Government themed project that will have a bit of role play in it but for the most part will heavily be involved in managing the finances, policies, infrastructure and running of sim and group. I will be financially backing the group as far as purchasing the land, financing the group but I would like the main council to start making decisions from the start from the budgets to what land we need to buy, activities, what infrastructure is needed, political involvement and so forth.

    The group will have full autonomy over the finances, rules, development and every aspect of the project. 

    I therefor am looking for a handful of people to act as the first council (Council of Ministers) in order to get things up and started with decision making. Each member of the council will manage the budget for there respective department and vote on each matter that comes before it. The following positions I am Immediately looking to fill before I sit down with the council as a whole are as followed with a description.


    Councillor for Land and Development: This position requires someone with a understanding of the land transaction system here in SL as well as building up a SIM, LS , building and scripting. NOT saying that this person will be responsible for building and scripting the sim but anything that is needed for the sim Infrastructure, scripting, terraforming, or building this councillor would be the go to and oversee these areas. Position would entail scouting out different land's for possible purchase and comparing them to the needs of the group. Act as dominant person on council for these matters and have the ability to handle the budget for there respective department. 

    Councillor for Political Development: This position requires someone with a understanding of government/political affairs as well as some knowledge of role playing. While the main Idea of the sim is to develop a mock government to run a sim and it's land as opposed to traditional management, some elements of Role Play will be incorporated here. The head of this department must be knowledgable in political affairs and will be tasked with developing the political infrastructure of the project. 

    Councillor for Finances & Budget: This position requires a candidate to have experience in running some form of financial venture in the past, wether it be a club, RP group or sim that involved finances and profit. This position will be charged with overseeing the treasury and budget of the group as well as planning out monthly expenses, pay roll, and purchases of the group. This department will be handling the receipt book of the group so prior experience in financial management is a must.

    Councillor for Public Affairs & Outreach: This position requires someone who has a outgoing personality and experience in event planning is heavily favored. This department will be charged with creating awareness of the group and planning public events as well as reaching out to established political forums already in SL with the goal of recruiting other participants into the project. This department will be the go to between people interested in the project as well as shaping the list of activities and involvement available to group members. This position is tasked with getting across the general message, Ideas and overall goal of the project to it's members and prospective clients.


    These position are the ones I see as necessary for the first meeting however, the council may decide to create news council positions. These positions will also be paid and this pay will be set by the council themselves however I would ask that anyone interested in these position take interest in the project and not just the pay

    Also, excuse the newbie-ness of this account. I have been playing SL for almost 15 years but its been awhile and I forgot the password to my old account sadly but I assure you I am not a noob. Anyone interested please contact me In-world and drop a note that includes the following.

    • Name
    • Position Interested in?
    • Experience which qualifies you for the position?
    • SL or RL skills that would make you a better fit for the role?
    • Time zone and time availability?
    • Management or Budget experience?
    • Any interest or experience in political affairs?
    • Like 1
  4. Hello,

    Seeking a Executive/Personal Assistant for a new project I am starting. 

    About the Position/Duties:

    The executive Assistant position will work closely with myself the Head Manager of the group. As this is a new project I am starting, the main task will Include helping with many of the start up activities. Duties Include writing up note cards and descriptions. Posting across forums and different groups. Handling different Inquiries, responding to messages and notes. Handling and scheduling of appointments and meetings. Looking through the market place and other areas for Items that will be needed. Making and maintaining files and notes on different contacts and events made and done by the group. As I plan rapid expansion of the group, the executive secretary will manage any future staff that Immediately fall under my office. This position will be basically my right hand and so a good working relationship is needed. Management of finances, pay and budgets for my office.


    Good organizational skills are necessary

    Ability to keep files and notes organized neatly is a must.

    I have no specific time requirements, it's really when needed and I will not consume vast amounts of time. just responding to matters in a timely manner.

    Have a desire to help grow a project and in turn grow with it.

    Outgoing, friendly and professional attitude. Must be able to work well in groups.

    Minimal management skills needed for ability to manage and supervise growing staff.

    Ability to Manage some finances and budgets for the office.


    Pay will be determined after Interview and a offer of employment is made. Pay will be fair for the work I am asking.

    A dividend for personal items that may be needed for the position including a new wardrobe and office supplies.

    A personal office in a lavish building.

    Ability to grow within the group with eventual raises in pay. Loyalty and commitment are rewarded.


    If you are interested please drop me a message/note inworld at AlolaMonroe which includes.

    • Name
    • How long you have been on SL in total.
    • Skills you feel would make you a fit for the position
    • Prior SL or RL working experience that would make you a better fit for the position.
    • Hobbies or Interest
    • Time availability and Time zone


    Please dismiss the new status of this account, I have not played in years and forgot the old password and made a new one. I will respond promptly and schedule Interviews.

    • Thanks 1
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