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Posts posted by milksfull

  1. 12 hours ago, Mollymews said:

    the two biggest and most active inworld groups for reasonably good free (and cheap) stuff are: Fab Free and SL Free and Offers. Join these groups. They will lead you to inworld stores which give free and gifts   Free Dove inworld is also a good place to go

    other places to go is Fashion Event regions where some of the vendors give away free or cheap gifts.  Another is to go on Marketplace and find on keywords FREE and GIFT

    to earn L$ as a new resident then the best place to start is a inworld game called Linden Realms. You can earn some little money grinding on the game. Enough to buy the dollarbie products that some stores offer

    for a mesh body then search the Marketplace also for FREE MESH BODY

    Thank you! And sorry if this is a stupid question, but what exactly is a mesh body?

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  2. Hi! I'm new here and wasn't 100% sure on where to post this but I figured it fit best here. I want to create my dream avatar and change my look often. Maybe even start a blog about it! The problem is that I don't know where to find items to use on my avatar. Is it possible to get items for free? And if not, how can I earn money w/o spending? Also-- does anyone know where and how people take SL photos? I'm really new and confused so advice is appreciated n you can even PM me for my discord if that would be easier. Thanks!

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