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Everything posted by Everestt

  1. Everestt

    Any Idea?

    Appreciate all your help again, I think I settled on a head that will suit what I have planned. For those curious, going with the LEIA from LAQ. Again, can't thank everyone enough for chiming in!
  2. Everestt

    Any Idea?

    Right, did think and am afraid of that. I assume that the head shown isn't stock and that it was changed around for the user's liking. *EDIT* Just trying to get the head that closest resembles the picture that was possibly used, have my own idea for it that I would love to try.
  3. Everestt

    Any Idea?

    Ya, the style seems very similar, especially the chin. If I don't find this particular head I think I can manage with something else. I will hold off for now in case some seems to have the solution on what head I'm looking for. Thank you so much again!!!
  4. Everestt

    Any Idea?

    Guess I will narrow my search there then, I really appreciate it! Any other ideas welcome!
  5. Everestt

    Any Idea?

    Was wondering if anyone has seen this head and can tell me what it is, its perfect and I have alot of fun ideas for it. Can't find it anywhere and its totally driving me crazy! Thank you!!!
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