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Posts posted by ihavexboxlive14

  1. 49 minutes ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

    What you've described so far is too vague. A script can't change the color of your whole avatar, unless you aren't using the default LL body and everything on you is modifiable.

    There is also the concern that the other things on your avatar are probably scripted as well. Changing color on them might break them (if the other scripts rely on color), and if there are lots of faces to color, it might require a lot of script memory to record all of the original colors (assuming that you would ever want to return the original colors).

    If you have the script used in that example, you would pretty much just put that into all of your attachments and be done.

    it isn't the default body, to be exact it's the ON snokra body. I've been able to get it to do this shown below. The one above only seems to work only on the box which i presume was what the script was written for. So i was wondering if someone would be able to take that effect and apply it to the avatar. The clothing isn't a big deal since i'm just messing around with ideas and seeing what sticks 



    this was also the site used on the box, was messing around with it https://www.outworldz.com/cgi/freescripts.plx?ID=193

  2. Hello, I'be been looking for a script that would be able to change the color of the avatar idly. like slowly fading throughout the rainbow or a bunch of colors listed inside the script to appear across the body. Been having no luck trying to get it to work myself.   

    I'm not to familiar with coding myself, more so I'm looking for someone to make it for me. I'll pay someone to make the script for me if they'd prefer that instead. 

    If more detail is need, feel free to ask 

    https://gyazo.com/a6a6346f79fba90bbe62a88cd77197ae _ basic visual of what i mean

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