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Lauren Mortal

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Posts posted by Lauren Mortal

  1. Hello, I have a question about the LL damage and health built into SL. As we know, when our health hits 0 we get teleported home. I am wondering if there is some way through a scripted Experience, or through an RLV, to intercept this function and instead teleport someone to a location of my choosing?

  2. Hello,

    My Husband and I are seeking an Experienced Scripter who knows their way around Experiences and custom Gameplay Systems for a developing Roleplay Sim. Compensation for your time and expertise is very important to us. Work will not commence until a satisfactory payment has been discussed and agreed upon by all parties.

    Script work may include;

    -Full Perms on all completed work
    -Scripts be made with end-user configuration in mind (can be done by modifying values within the script, or be done with menus, preferably both)
    -RLV Functionality
    -Gameplay HUD's
    -Game Currencies

    If you are knowledgeable and experienced in all of the above Please contact me directly in-world so we can meet and talk about our ideas.

  3. 1 hour ago, Dafadilia Wayfarer said:

    Back in 2009 when I first joined second life, I had someone ask to bite me from bloodline. They explained what it was. I let them because it wasn't a big deal to me. I had no interest in the whole vampire thing after that and forgot about it. Years later I had another from bloodlines approach me asking permission to bite since I was on their list. I did the whole garlic necklace thing since it really held no appeal to me. Not once did I ever feel I was being stalked. I just found it more of a nuisance that I easily fixed after doing some research.

    Everyone here has offered advice and solutions to your issue.  You're right. You do have a right to feel how you will feel about your situation. Perhaps remember that others also have a right to have a differing opinion than yours, feel differently than you do and respond to your post on a public forum. It doesn't make people stalking vampires intent on seeking you out. It just means they have a differing outlook than your own and are attempting to help give you solutions. Even perhaps to move past your experience and empower yourself by listening to the suggestions provided. It is always nice to remember respect goes both ways.

    Try contacting the creator of the progeny hud to see if they will remove your name from their database. That has been a great suggestion given in this thread. Also the old block option as well a great suggestion. Stepping away for awhile to also gather your thoughts yet another great suggestion. People really are trying to help you here so please realize that. Differring opinions doesn't mean not offering help. It just means we all think and react differently.

    I really hope you can find a way to empower yourself so you're not so upset in future. Take care.

    Edited to add: I do realize that the suggestions here may not be what you wish to hear. Stepping away from a situation to breathe for awhile when we are upset is some of the best unwanted advice at times though. It helps us come back with a more clear view of a situation that may be skewed when we are upset. Generalized you by the way.

    Making sarcastic quips and mocking me while making vaguely helpful suggestions is not my idea of good advice.

    The only advice that was even close to helpful was something about a garlic necklace, which doesn't even exist for Progeny. It's for BLOODLINES back in 2015! Excuse me for being mean, but I don't respond well to such blatant disrespect and the mockery I'm presented with in this forum. You are all either vampires, or you simply do not care about my concerns and just want to make a joke out of it for the attention.

    I only wanted to go shopping in peace today. But I guess the real mistake I made was turning to this forum for any hopes of support. And I know I can forget about approaching LL for any help. I put in a support ticket a week ago concerning a billing issue and I'm still waiting for a response. I'm a paying premium member, by the way. I am starting to consider leaving SL entirely at this point. It is stressing me out.


    Anyway, I'm done I'll see myself out.

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  4. 17 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    I thought that once you get added to one of the vampire RP databases, you're basically screwed unless you pay the vampire RP company to remove your name, or buy into their system of "wards"?

    No, according to Mr retired Vampire all I have to do is delete my progeny detector HUD. Which is the HUD I have detached 99% of the time and only attach it when an avatar around me is acting suspiciously to confirm my suspicion.

    They don't want you to know they are stalking you. That's why they are now telling me to remove the HUD, meanwhile telling me to shutup because my reputation depends on it! What a joke..

    They don't seem to realize they are only exposing themselves even further.. which wasn't even the reason I made this thread. I'm just frustrated and needed to vent and I want LL to take notice. But now there's several vampires speaking up (ahem, I mean retired vampires) that are exposing themselves as the manipulative liars that they are.

    Next he is going to ask me if I like cuddling and that he'd never feed on me. His vampire days are long behind him!

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  5. 11 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    Get over it, delete that hud and live long and prosper.
    NOBODY is harming you, but you'r ruining your own reputation. Calling out everyone that doesn't agree with you is childish and immature.

    And yes i'm a vampire, but retired, and a total different system that dóes ask people upfront.

    My reputation? please stop with that manipulative behavior. You can't influence me with these kinds of threats. Because that's what it is.. I'm going to voice my opinion whether you like it or not and I don't care what you or anyone else thinks about me, so maybe YOU should GET OVER IT!

    • Haha 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    nobody is targeted. Progeny players are everywhere, and for many years.
    They like to go to places where people come, it's simply their way to feed.
    They don't harm you, they don't bother you in any way otherwise than be around.
    Nobody gets ill or harmed, stalked or harrassed.

    okay Mr Vampire, thanks.

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  7. 2 minutes ago, belindacarson said:

    Somebody's missed nap time from the sound of it.

    Get the necklace, add it to your avatar, click it, follow the instructions to get removed.


    Saves unnecessary tantrums.


    Thank you for letting me know. It only took 2 whole pages of being blamed before someone actually gave a real solution. And I only posted this thread after reading half a dozen other threads on this subject and nobody ever mentioned a garlic necklace, and there's no information about it on the Progeny website.

    • Haha 1
  8. 1 minute ago, belindacarson said:

    Have you actually been and got their garlic necklace? It's on their SIM somewhere in a vendor.  That's the "opt out" from bloodlines and seemingly deactivate you in their system.



    No, I've had no reason to want to go to them. I've never been on their sim not once.

    Is the necklace really an Opt out? or do I have to wear it constantly? Because I'm not doing it..

    • Haha 2
  9. For those who keep telling me to ignore it, this has been happening to me now for almost 2 years!!

    I've had all kinds of scenarios. Like people trying to befriend me just so they can get close. I've lost friends over this after finding out they participate in progeny and I don't know if they've been feeding on me this entire time. I don't even know who bit me in the first place. It makes it hard to trust people are genuine.

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  10. 1 hour ago, MoiraKathleen said:

    Interesting.  I don't know anything about that vampire system. Did you ask your friend how you could be "marked"?   Is it something as simple as your name on a list (which wouldn't provide any information about your location or how you could be found at any given time) or is it because of something that you're wearing (either intentionally or unintentionally)?  I'm just curious as to how they're able to stalk you, otherwise. 

    From what she told me when you are bitten once, your UUID is put into a database. You are now "Marked" for feeding. The longer the time since the last time you are fed on the more points a vampire will get if they manage to feed on you, and the points build up over time. Which basically means the more I avoid and try to stay away from them, the more they desperately want to get close to me for a bite because I'm a higher value target to them. Which is why I'm being harassed when I'm out shopping for clothing or furniture or whatever, which should be the last place you'd expect to be targeted by them.

    The store owner apologized to me and did ban that person from the store, and rightfully so. I'm there to shop and spend L's and give them my business, I'm not there to deal with other avatars harassing and stalking me and involving me in something I don't want any part of. I'm sick and tired of needing a 6th sense every time I go out...

    • Like 4
  11. 2 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:
    1. The age of your account means nothing whatsoever - it could be an account that was made years ago and not used often. Either way, citing the account age as "proof" is meaningless.
    2. Block, Mute and Derender offending Avatars such as Vampires. send in Reports on those actually stalking you. With actual proof of doing so.
      1. A random Vampire System user showing up near you is not stalking - period. Sit down.

    Further responses at this point will get the response that is merited for what has been posted thus far.

    Find another form of entertainment.


    I don't know what your stake is in this, but I don't want to be harassed by vampires in SL anymore. What is your problem with that exactly? I think you are the troll in here. I just want LL to do something about this and for there to be some kind of resolution. You on the other hand you offer nothing to the discussion but trying to be a contrarian.

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  12. If anyone in this thread thinks this is okay behavior, please add me as a friend in-world and give me permission to locate you on the map. I will make some alt account sometimes and follow your avatar around. You can't opt out either. I bet you won't like it.

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  13. 2 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    I'm curious too why you have a Progeny HUD, if you don't want to play a SL vampire  roleplay game? I don't have one, and it's been well over a decade since I bought a garlic necklace to protect myself from Bloodlines vampire bite requests. People can't just bite you without your consent, right?

    I have the HUD because a friend gave it to me who said I was marked for feeding by the progeny system. She plays that predatory game but she was nice enough to tell me that I was MARKED.

    I am deliberately targeted all the time and It makes for a very unfun experience. Maybe if it happened to you, maybe you would understand better what it's like.

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  14. 1 minute ago, Randall Ahren said:

    Then you should know what to do. If the avatar is bothers you, block and derender.

    That is not good enough.

    It's not their avatar appearance of their chat that is offensive. It's the feeling of being STALKED when I am minding my own business, and the feeling that if I look away for one minute someone is going to pounce on me. Blocking and derendering does nothing to keep them away.

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  15. 1 minute ago, Solar Legion said:

    Either someone got bored and decided to roll up an Alt to try and stir up some entertainment or someone really needs to take about a thousand steps back and sit the Hades down.

    Either way, yawn.

    my account is almost 18 years old I'm not an alt.

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  16. 10 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

    How is it harming you?  If you hadn't zoomed back and seen her, she'd have done her thing with you none the wiser.   I'm sure I've been fed upon at some point.  Why worry about it?

    why do I have to even explain why I don't like being followed and stalked without my consent?

    you must be a fake person having a take like this. I want my personal space to be respected, even my avatar in SL because it's personal to me. Is that enough reason to not want to me preyed on without my consent ??? I want to go out shopping without being preyed on. What about that is so difficult to understand?

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  17. the store owner agrees with me and has banned that person from their store. Why can't Linden Labs do something about this? They stopped exploitative Gatcha's but they can't do something about this predatory system?

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  18. 1 minute ago, Stephanie Misfit said:

    You said that there was another shopper standing close to you. That's it? That hardly qualifies as harassment and stalking, and honestly saying it does makes a mockery of those who have genuinely experienced those things. 

    She was standing right up against my avatar.


    It's enough knowing that random people in stores are seeking out my avatar to exploit me. It qualifies as stalking and it is harassment because I don't want it!

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  19. 3 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

    Well...you do have the perfect surname to attract a vampire 🧛‍♀️

    Sorry, just joking! But they can't really do you any harm...I would just ignore them if you're not interested :)

    you must be one of them yourself as this sounds like exactly something they would say.

    I don't appreciate being STALKED by anyone for ANY REASON while I am out and about on SL. To me personally, IT IS harmful!

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  20. I was in the furniture store in-world today, and I was camming around looking at products. When I returned to my avatar, there was another shopper standing right up against my avatar. I attached my progeny scanner HUD and was revealed they were a progeny vampire!!


    I'm always getting harassed by these things is there really no way to opt out of this experience?? I do not like the feeling of being stalked while I'm out shopping!

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  21. Hello,

    I am looking for some new grass to replace the old polygon looking grass I have on my land. I was hoping for some suggestions for some new grass. What I'm looking for;

    - Lightweight (not performance hog)
    - Natural look and blends well and cannot notice ugly polygons
    - Good recolor options
    - Reasonable Price

    Thank you 😃

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