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Everything posted by Sadiette

  1. My guess 2019 πŸ˜‹ Not sure if i dare to go to bed this eve (in Europe). With my bad luck maybe all new boats are taken when wake up tomorrow 😨
  2. No updates yet. I wonder how long a "very near future" is. For me it´s about 4-5 days. Come on Linden team, give us some news this friday 😍
  3. It would be interesting to know how many houses and how many houseboats were set up. And how many Premium member there is. Ive heard that many did not had a chance to get a Lindenhome. All were gone so fast. I really want to know how soon there will be more. I guess they can't set up so many homes that all premiums member can have a house, but i hope for so many as possible. How long shall we vait? A week? A month or even longer? Hope we get an answer soon πŸ˜ƒ
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