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Posts posted by GenGuy

  1. 28 minutes ago, Cindy Evanier said:

    I think, but someone will correct me if I am wrong, when the old marketplace migrated to the new one it kept the review figures but not the actual text.  So anything from before 2010/11 is missing but the figures of reviews remains the same.

    Thank you Cindy - if what you say is correct it is a major oversight by those responsible for the migration in my opinion.

  2. Many times I have seen items listed on the marketplace that will claim x number of reviews yet when you look for them all it is found that in some cases many of the reviews are missing. One such glaring example is this item which states in it's listing that there are 34 reviews yet only ONE of them is viewable! See https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Spy-Cam-v17/217625 This particular seller has more than item that is failing to display anywhere near the number of stated reviews. So what is the poilicy on NOT showing ALL the reviews that is claimed in a listing??

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