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Ember Shuffle

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Posts posted by Ember Shuffle

  1. I just thought i'd zoom in here and mention, I still use the Freya every day. Not that the Legacy, Kupra, etc aren't amazing, but Freya looks just right for me for the time being. I even managed to get it to work just fine with BOM. Glad to hear the Belleza-bods are back in development though, I really look forward to what comes next! Hopefully we'll get less tris and resizable feets. 😛

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  2. Just my two cents, has probably been said already; Probably too short of a time period, but honestly all in all, brilliant move. It was starting to disgust me seeing how much seriously quality content was locked behind gacha rarity, and how many gacha machines were just... everywhere. Nothing personal against gacha sellers, but this will be good for SL.

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  3. On 7/6/2021 at 2:14 AM, Mollymews said:

    i had a quick play. For the above packer script the range is best restricted to the 7-bit ASCII character set " " to "~". ASCII(32) to ASCII(126)

    the outputted UTF-16 value range of this set is decimal [8224..32382] hex [0x2020..0x7E7E] for which there are valid UTF-16 chars


    Was wondering what the range was, i'm far from being an expert on unicode and its quirks in LSL. Would the best way to restrict the range be simply to have a couple of if statements checking if it's above 32 or below 126 before continuing? Or is there a more elegant way, like with a bitmask or something? o:

  4. I've been playing with these funcs since the day they came out and gotta say, it's both awesome that we don't have to rely on user-written code (as good as it usually is with advanced topics such as this), and weird to get used to everything being based on utf-32 xD There's also llHash in the same pack o' new functions for anyone that wants to create guaranteed(I think) unique numbers for something, though it's not intended for crypography.


    To Love Zhaoying, I only noticed it because I happened to be on the wiki's LSL Functions page at the time and noticed a new crop of functions with the (NEW!) icon next to them. I looked all over and the only other mention I could find was the original JIRA request asking for some sort of char/ordinal handling built into LSL.

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