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Posts posted by AmyPinkLegend

  1. 2 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

    It would help a lot to know what the alpha mask itself actually looks like. I'm just kind of guessing that the problem is the appearance of the tan skin that should have been masked. That would be weird, as if a non-BoM texture were applied to a lower mesh level than the skin that's alpha'd out. It's certainly theoretically possible to paint the BoM system textures on a higher mesh level, then if you wore a BoM skin it would appear on that level with something non-BoM on a lower level, but that's some heavy lifting (especially on the Legacy body, which has seemed pretty locked-down whenever I've tried to do anything creative with it, and especially if you re-applied BOM from the HUD).

    But if the alpha mask corresponds to the areas made transparent on both the pale and tan skins… off the top of my head, I'm not coming up with any explanation for that which doesn't involve multiple bodies somehow.

    YES! This fixed it, I used the HUD to hide and unhide the body. Thank you so much!! :D

    • Thanks 1
  2. It would bug me to change my settings so it looks good to me but others still see it as it is now, It's a mesh head for an Avi so it's pretty noticeable.

    Ideally i want to fix the Items settings, Not my Viewer

  3. I bought an Item on SLM, But it's render distance is AWFUL, Like 2 Meters it becomes a blob. I'm not even exaggerating.

    I found this setting to change it to high, And zooming out keeps the detail. But the second i close the Edit Menu it changes back, How can i save it?

    Do i just not have Modify Permission? Cause i messaged the Seller / Owner years ago (And a few times since) I don't think he's active anymore... So that options out, Help!

    The LOD.png

  4. I abandoned Linden Land to move elsewhere, It cleared everything automatically. I cleared Cache and logged off. Later, When furnishing the new place a bunch of my items are gone from my Inventory. Mainly No Copy Items and My KittyCats stuff including my Cat itself, I searched my Inventory over and over cause i have a lot of Junk, But they're not there. These things were expensive, What can i do??

  5. About 2 years ago i bought some Gloves (Tattoo) from a shop and they didn't work, They just added text saying "Texture" or something, So i called the shop owner (Cause it came with a Note Card saying to ask for help before leaving a bad Review) After about close to 2 weeks of no reply i left a bad review AND mentioned i'd gotten no reply. Immediately she replies to the Review saying i'd made no effort to contact her and i'm lying. I go to IM her and there is no chat history, I don't know if i got the wrong name or if Re-Installing Firestorm cleared my Log. So i try to message to explain and she's blocked me and i can't buy things from the shop anymore, But i liked that shop. I asked a friend to IM her and She blocked Him too, Also deleted my review. So i regret less my bad review now. It's a long way of asking but my question is whats the point of reviews if you can just delete disagreeable ones? Maybe it's odd for it to still bug me but... I'm still banned so... I just remembered this after all this time when i left a bad review on a semi-expensive dress for Legacy with no Demo that didn't fit even nearly well, But the review is now gone

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  6. Everytime i enter a new area it asks if i want to play the radio "Allow now" "Allow always" "Not now" But it's doing it every time i cross EVERY new area, In a vehicle it's really noticeable. How can i get it to stop asking and just play things?? I don't want to have to "Allow always" for every individual place. I tried turning on all the settings in Preferences > Sounds & Media but still does it, Getting irritated

  7. I tried to do some modelling, One or two people made comments about my body (Slink Hourglass) looking old, Plus the shop discontinued it. So i upgraded to legacy, But i kinda preferred my old shape and had waaay more clothes and skins for that body too. Is it THAT noticeable if i go back to it? I've seen plenty of Avis lately that look more "basic" than mine did. Or should i just stick with legacy and move on?

    • Like 1
  8. Kind of found a solution... Refreshing via advanced tab fixes it instantly for them, but the thing is i cant see the issue myself so i only know it's happening if someone tells me, I'll try find something to prevent it overall

  9. I'll attach a Pic, Basically my LeLutka head with DeeTalez Skin suddenly has this lip outline, or at least i hadn't noticed it before. It's still there after taking off the BOM skin and the HUD changes the lips outline colour so it must be part of the head, Any ideas how to fix this?

    Lip image.png

  10. People keep saying my body is missing, Usually lower half, Relogging seems to fix it. But i never see it, I look fine. I only know from people telling me, it's like 1 or 2 times a day now. I have an expensive legacy body with bom so i'd like it to work. I'm using firestorm. I dont think it's lag cause my new pc is 16gb.

    Any advice to prevent this is very apreciated

  11. I'd like to pay someone to make me Mikasa Ackerman's hairstyle from Attack on Titan, But in a non-Anime realistic style. High quality like Gin or Wasabi stores hair, Good enough for modelling. Something to go with my LeLutka Head. If you're interested reply here or IM me in SL and let me know your price, Ty

    (Attaching a Pic of my current hair for a visual idea of level of detail / style)


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