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Posts posted by RavenSwarmsTheMountain

  1. So, as far as I know, there isn't any way in SL to have a teleport system that works where the destination, and/or departure point, are in motion. A Visual:

    A sphere-shaped arena, spectator seating in the center, in a shaped enclosed area, floating. The action, as it were, all around. Outside the sphere(outer face is transparent)is the classical seating arrangement for any arena, except in enclosed shapes and said shapes are in motion. To access said shapes, a teleport pad, linked system style. 

    The problem:As far as I know, TP-ing requires static coordinates, on the X, Y, Z axis'. If a teleport pad is in motion, the only 2 outcomes I see are, 1)TP doesn't work, because the destination pad isn't at a given set of coordinates(timing *might* fix this, but super split second, given the imagined speed of rotation), the TP process isn't started, error message occurs etc. 2)TP is completed but traveler arrives where the pad *was*at moment TP started, but isn't arriving where the destination pad currently*is*. 

    Unless there's something I'm missing, either in that there's a TP-follow hybrid script(arrive and as you rez in follow the pad so fully rezzed where the pad is), or maybe a TP-movelock hybrid(arrive and attach to arrival pad until fully rezzed/walk your avatar away) I'm at a loss as to how I can acquire a script to make this possible. Also whether it's worth making the arena exactly as I envision it.

    Please note: I have the very barest of knowledge of scripting; I know how to edit a rotation script to make it rotate on a different axis, or reverse the direction(clockwise to counter clockwise, vice-versa). I know barely anything else, my style of learning is copycat-ing so I'm very unlikely to ever stumble onto something new by myself.

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