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Tyson Lefevre

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  1. People hide behind these screens thinking they can call out whom they please. Well, look around SL. if my build is so hideous in its unfinished state, wait until its finished and in the meantime call the finished hideous sites out around sl. The only continent you won't find hideous builds is in Bellisseria. So, kick rocks why don't you? I've been here how long and how many times have you known my build to look like this in its finished state? Or seen people working on their land in length to build something nice? We own 3.25 regions. Have a look at those before you start your behind the screen judging of whom you decide to. We've spent tons of money to beautify our regions, but if you'd gone through any of this, you'd know it takes time and if you'd taken the time to do your investigation before you blindly criticize, especially when the property across the street looks like crap and has for years. You're deciding to personally attack me and my wife when you've ordained yourself as the know all. Well opinions are what you are, everyone has one. If you don't understand that phrase, think about what you are and figure it out while you're sitting behind our screen feeling proud of yourself. All of you are hypocrites.
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