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Everything posted by yedrick

  1. So I asked my SL wife to move in with me RL. She is from Japan in RL. She flew over tp Europe and we agreed she would be my RL wife and live at my house, rent free, in the spare room for now (not married in the eyes of the state due to tax reasons). So she arrives. And then says she cannot consumate the marriage as she is very shy, but I am allowed to kiss her feet in pantyhose. So Ok, I do that - better than nothing. But since Friday she's been alone in the spare room playing SL and hasn't come out to make me breakfast or speak to me or offer me her feet, and I think she is talking to another SL man who wants her for his SL wife. And he is nothing but a scum and a rogue so I want her off the game ASAP. Can anyone advise me on how best to stop this? Can Linden Lab also act to stop this scum from talking to my SL/RL Japanese wife?
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