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Everything posted by Xamuelsan

  1. Thank you for commenting! First of all, I wanted to make it clear I had a purpose, it's just my way of being, I'm an honest person. I'm starting to use Second Life with the user I created a couple of days ago, and have already discovered a few things you have written about, but I also wanted to have some personal views from more experimented users, that's all. I really appreciate the feedback
  2. Hello everyone, I'm starting to explore this whole Second Life universe, my purpose here is to get to know what do you users think Second Life is special for and how do you think it has kept being a success after more than 15 years from its release. I'm a journalism student in Spain (sorry if I express myself wrong, I'm not used to write in English) and I'd love to know about this community and what do they have to say about Second Life. I'm working on an article about this so any feedback would be great, and I'd love to ask more things, if there's people willing to do so, send me a message so I can speak to you. Thank you for the attention!
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