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Sylangel Aurelia

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Posts posted by Sylangel Aurelia

  1. 3 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    IF they need new ones they indeed buy them like you or me would do :)

    these however are ended rentals so come available again.

    I've never bought a region, only rented parcels. So I assumed that regions are only owned by estates (not individual residents).
    How do you buy a region as an individual? (I don't want to rent from an estate / have a landlord anymore, due to bad experiences. We want to own our own region and basically be our own estate/landlord)

  2. 11 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    5 halve HS here also some full HS



    3 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

    Thank you, both! It seems like I've searched the wrong way.

    Although I appreciate it, it doesn't really matter anymore, bc we already found our temporary solution
    and for us there is more to it than just the search and that's not really relevant to this topic.

    I do however wonder how Estates get new regions. Do they buy them from LL? How does that work? 

  3. On 5/14/2020 at 11:59 PM, Parhelion Palou said:

    There hasn't been a large growth in region demand up until recently, so this is likely due to newbies and returning oldbies. I wonder why so many of them want to buy full regions. Are they hoping to make significant money from SL? At least it will boost the prospects for the people who have landscaping businesses.

    It's not just people wanting to buy full regions, there is a bigger picture here.

    My fiancé and I are looking for 1/2 homestead and while I searched for two days: NOTHING. The Estate managers I've spoken said they don't have any available anymore. When I asked how that's possible, they gave me LL's link about the current situation.
    The only options are smaller parcels or a complete island (homestead / full region).
    That's just not what we want, so we simply wait until LL is able to offer new regions again and in the meantime we are renting a rental house.

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