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Posts posted by LaraSitharia

  1. On 10/15/2018 at 11:41 PM, Rhonda Huntress said:

    Heads are confusing to everyone at first.  Hair I would think is easier to get a handle on.  What is giving you problems?

    Most mesh hair is rigged so it is just wear and go.  Most have a HUD to change color with.  Some have an extra style HUD to change features like which side a part is on.  There are also many great places for hair.  Truth, Excess, Little Bones, Wasibi Pills, Magika, No Match, Analog Dog and too more for me to name right off the top of my head.

    Let me send you a sample from Truth that has some of everything in it.  Yes, it is more complex but it will have more to play with.  This will be brunette colors.  Other color HUDs are available but this will do for starters.

    Try it out and let me know how it works or let me know of any problems you may be having.


    I think the biggest problem for hair is the fact that there ARE so many great options that I don't know where to go with it. 

    Thanks for the demo!

  2. Thank you for the help so far everyone :)


    Yah the picture in the first post is of an older full avatar, which is why I am looking for recommendations to build one similar to that one, but new. I'm slowly figuring out the pieces of building an avatar, the head part is the only part I'm really struggling with, both hair and mesh heads...

  3. Hi there. I started a new account for a mythical being avatar, and am not only looking for help building said avatar, but also for people and groups that are a part of the same style community (IE if there is somewhere inworld to go where mythical/ethereal beings are appreciated)

    I don't really have a limit on how much I want to spend for my mythical being, though I was hoping to stay within a $40 USD ranger (which would be about 10000 L$ right now) and I'm looking for good wings, good horns, good skins, good hair, and good head!


    I found Horns like the ones from this blog https://thebeautifulmachine.com/2016/06/05/the-trinket-horns/

    and this one: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/P-Vynn-Horns-Ram/6021701


    I've found some apparently good feather wings (though they are a little larger than I had wanted)



    .:.CoCoChes.:.Sexy Succubus Costume (Omega, TMP, Lolas, Brazilia, etc, Wowmeh, Slink, Physique, Lush, Eve, Doll applers)


    I want to make my avatar look like this complete avatar in a way, the shape, and the wings/tail are really what I'm looking for. Just wanted some guidance on how to piece together a good quality avatar..

    Any advice would be appreciated, and recs for products you use. I'm not used to this whole mesh system thing yet, but am slowly figuring it out.

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