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Posts posted by Puretone

  1. On 9/20/2018 at 5:05 PM, NevaehHeartstrings said:

    It would be my hope now that the thousands of former residents of Giggles Beach...All The residents who were group stalked, bullied & harassed on the mainland's in 'The Raids'...All The hundreds of residents who were stalked while being labeled publicly as pedophiles/child molesters because someone had an axe to grind....All The residents evicted from private islands because of the stalkers, self appointed judges who made up evidence, lied & framed them..... May they all find closure with comfort in the demise of SLU.. for the ruthlessness done against them, against all the communities forced out, wayback 2 or 3 years ago....may they return back home to SL one day to the friends & family who miss them so very much!.

    GB closed due to the owner shutting it down. They decided that rebranding from it's pedo hookup past wasn't worth the effort. As for raids.. well I've been there since 2011 and haven't been on one raid yet. Unless you count ARs for RedZone. That I'll gladly cop to.

    Last, I hate to burst your bubble of schadenfreude, but SLU needed to close because of having a database of nearly 2.5 MILLION posts. It had performance issues due to its sheer size. It's rebranding, not closing. The new version will be the third incarnation. It may not be your cup of tea, but viva la difference.

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  2. On 9/7/2018 at 12:59 AM, Rhonda Huntress said:

    Of the two companies the Lab bought, OnRes had, in my opinion, a better layout including a single listing for the product with all colors, packs and demos selected from that page.  SLExchange  XStreet had a larger user base and was easier for the merchant to set up so that is the version LL went with.  I doubt there is much XStreet code left because the whole back end has been reworked to be manageable within SL but the basic design that end users see has not changed much at all.

    iirc, the software LL uses for MP was freeware. That was the deciding factor.

  3. The best you can do is find a bento/mesh shape (and all that really matters is the face) that is similar to your current look. Make sure it's a mod shape. use your old shapes body sliders with the new 'face', then tweak the face until you get an approximation of your old system face. Bento rigging will distort system faces something fierce.

    But, it's that same rigging that allows for the expressions you want to have.

    It seems daunting, but I've had good results using a bought shape, a provided shape and a free shape with 3 different heads while keeping my original body shape.

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