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Posts posted by Jim28z

  1. White Dunes Estate, Old Harbor, Springfield Wood.. is where the rental parcel is and yes.. so far it seems as if it only happens on the parcel. I am not going there for a couple days to test if that is what it is. I don't know what else to do

    I just texted my friend also.. and when he last logged out on the parcel he didn't change outfits or add or remove anything. He just logged out on the parcel and when he came back online, hours later.. his avi was once again in the same state.

  2. A friend of mine and I are both having the same issue. It started on 1/26/19. I logged out and back in and all my attachments that have scripts, huds, body, clothes etc etc..showed an error message: (Error: object is in current outfit but not attached). My avatar was invisible, except for my shirt. 

    My friend logged out when I logged back in, because he couldn't see me and thought it was his viewer. When he logged back in, the same thing happened to him.

    We removed all attachments, basically everything. We re-opened boxes and put on new items and were fine, for 2 days. On the 28th it happened again. I went to my parcel and put a necklace on my avi. It would not attach. I logged out. I logged back in and my avi was once again invisible and the items had the same error message. Oddly, my friend, who was not logged in at the time, logged in and was invisible and same issues as myself.

    Both times this has happened, we were on my parcel. The last time, he had logged out on the parcel and was not online all night. I had gone to the parcel for 5 minutes to wear the necklace and "become invisible". He logged in shortly after to an invisible avi.

    We both have spent time on the parcel, I'd say for a little over a week before this problem started. But it seems? (I am not sure at all) that it is only happening on the parcel.

    I've spoken with the parcel manager. She went, sat on things, tried different huds and so on and said nothing occurred. She then restarted the sim. She also told me to click off build and rezzing, which I did immediately.

    But now, its a waiting game. I don't want to go to my parcel for fear this will happen again.. so I am staying away from it for a few days to see if this incident occurs again. But it's strange that its also happening at the same time with my friend.

    I posted a help ticket.. just haven't gotten a response yet, but wanted to re-post here to see if anyone has any advice, or can help. I posted one screenshot of the error message.




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