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Posts posted by NightRavenChick

  1. Getting back to the gachas . . . It just seems such a wide spread "problem" like some events where they offer the gacha items at one price and the fatpack (no trans, but copy/mod for example) at another HUGE price for the fatpack and then that creator sticks a competition behind it where you have to have the set, then take a photo in order to "win" a chance to join their blogging team/or have access to it for a limited amount of time makes it feel like you have to first buy your way in. Which don't get me wrong "IF" you have that large amount of money go for it, but that calls out desperate to me. 

    Yes, it's the same as buying anything then making the same competition out of that, but with "some" creators charging huge prices for things like this, it makes it unfair to those who would want to join in and can't cause they have a limited and tight budget and have to hope for places which have that particular item/build/backdrop in order to be able to join in.

    The gacha phenomenon just seems to be so wide spread now, like many have said above, who wants to buy that common that everyone has? Been there on that and even still trying to sell some off from years ago so I just end up deleting them. There has to be some fair way that this can be regulated?

    Gacha is like Marmite . . either you love it or you hate it. I like looking through MP for some sweet deals (yeah I agree there should be a gacha section on MP),  but there are some pretty insane prices out there for items.

    I know am going to get some negative feedback on this, but am getting sick n tired of seeing some creators exploiting players though gachas, especially with gachas like road/fence pieces. I've said my piece.

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