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Posts posted by SweetSheeva

  1. Hiya guys,

    as the title says I am searching for some new hairstyles for both the M4 Venus and the paws canine head 2.0.

    I looked up some hairstyles on the marketplace but in case of the venus head most of the hairs simply look like plastic helmets in the shape of anime hairs and that is definetly not what I am looking for.

    If you have any suggestions on where to find hair for both heads I would really appreciate it.

  2. Hiya there,

    I am Sheeva, a crazy hyena from germany and I am currently looking for a job as host and/or dancer. Due to my timezone, my working times are a bit odd but I hope this is a very very small problem. I've been working as a host before and I know what to do to keep the crowd "alive" and support the DJs.

    I am okay with working in an adult environment and I also have no problem with rp (even the adult kind) BUT I will not work as a escortgirl or something. Shwoing skin (or in my cas fur) as a dancer is no problem for me cause I take very much care about the looks of my avi.


    If you are interested in getting to know me just hit me via IM or here in the forums.

    Till then, have a good time everyone :-*

    Sheeva Club_001.png

  3. *english below*

    Hallo allerseits,

    ich bin Sheeva, 29 Jahre alt und nach längerer Pause wieder in SL unterwegs. Da sich der Club in dem ich zuletzt als Host gearbeitet habe, mitlerweile in Wohlgefallen aufgelöst hat, suche ich einen neuen Job in SL. Da ich bisher nur Erfahrungen als Host sammeln konnte, würde ich mich am ehesten für eine solche Stelle interessieren. Alterntiv würde mich aber auch ein Job als Tänzerin oder eventuell Model interessieren. Der Style meines Avas ist eher als alternativ zu bezeichnen, wenn ich nicht gerade als flauschiger Furry durch die Gegend hüpfe. Ergo wären Locations im Bereich Furry, Goth, BDSM-Themed etc. wohl am ehesten mein Fall.

    Sofern Interesse besteht, freue ich mich über eine IM von Euch.


    Hello everyone,

    I am Sheeva, 29 years old and after a longer pause back again in SL. Sadly the club, I used to work in, closed so I'm currently searching for a new job as host and/or dancer, maybe even model if possible. My avatars Style is mostly alternative (goth, industrial) at least if I am not jumping around as a fluffbutt^^. That is why I would prefer locations themed furry, goth or bdsm.

    If you are interested, just hit me with an IM.

    Looking forward

  4. Hey there I'm Sheeva and looking for some new (furry) friends to have fun in SL. I'm mostly interested in  gaming (mostly WoW), music, clubbing and RP (not always just the sexual kind). I am from Frankfurt (Germany) and speak english and german. Most of the time you will see ma as a cute black and white kitty OR a human Cybergoth mostly in black and turquoise^^. Sooooo if you're interested message me inworld and we will see ;-)

  5. Hello everyone, my name is Sheeva and as the title says I am looking for a job as a dancer or host since I briefly came back to SL and my old workplace isn't open anymore. I used to work in an gothic-club as a host and would love to do this again for a "living", also I would really love to try a dancingcarreer.

    Due to my slightly alternative looks in SL, I would prefer to work in an gothic/industrial/underground or BDSM-Club, even Furry-Clubs are possible.

    The ideal worktimes for me would be morning- and afternoon-shifts (SL-Time) cause I live in germany. So also german club can text me if they are hiring.


    If you are intrested and want to know more about me, feel free to message me. Until then, stay dark ;-)

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