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Chance Toki

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Posts posted by Chance Toki

  1. On 6/16/2018 at 3:57 AM, Willow Wilder said:

    As for Firestorm, I'm not sure where the "10g" amount comes from, so I wanted to clarify this setting found in
    Preferences - Graphics - Hardware Settings - Viewer Texture Memory Buffer (MB)

    64bit versions only. This setting is hard limited based on the VRAM available with your graphics card. It is recommended you increase the slider to use the maximum available to prevent texture thrashing. (from our Wiki) 

    GPU 1GB = up to 768MB
    GPU 2GB = up to 1024MB
    GPU 4GB+ = up to 2048MB

    Both viewers have a viewer cache limit of 9984MB. 

    Oh this makes a lot of sense. Especially the 768 part. When I sent that log I had been trying the 32-bit viewer to see if it would help. 


    I believe, several weeks later, the issue was with my computer connecting to SL servers. I use a DST adapter for my Netgear Nighthawk, so that I can plug directly into the ethernet. It gives me quicker speeds, and for everything else works great. I think that this unit, two years later, was starting to go bad. SO, I purchased a replacement and plugged it in. I have barely had any issues since then. Maybe once or twice tops in the last week. If that. Otherwise, it is back to business as usual.

    So, if someone does see this thread and is having issues and the same things are happening (I know I searched everywhere), check your connection. Check your router. Check how you are connecting to the router.

    And thank you all for your insight and attempts to help. Glad I got this figured out at least.


    • Like 1
  2. Yeah. I have done a clean reinstall and updated to the 64-but viewer which allows me to make my texture memory go up much more. 

    I am concerned about the 728 mb being available. When I check the tasks when it freezes it says I’m only using 33% of memory and nothing else is running at the same time.

    I have narrowed it down to either an issue with my WiFi extender which gives me about 65mbps plugged into Ethernet. Or a file somehow getting corrupted. 


  3. I think that this was sorted. I worked this out with LL, and they believed it might be a connection problem. 

    I don't know what fixed it exactly... but I think it was a possibility of two things: 1. I did another clean uninstall. But this time I actually cleaned up ANY file that said second life or firestorm in it even if it wasn't in any of the folders that we are told to remove. then i did another install. or 2. I spoke with LL and they suggested it might be a connection issue. Where it was timing out. So we did another router reset and I reset the DTS adapter for my router as well. or 3 And very possible LL did something on their end that i have no idea about.

    Either way. This is alll sorted! (I hope!)

    • Like 1
  4. So, I have been having this intermittent freezing. The program/viewer starts to not respond, and I will get a little blue wheel for about 45 secs to a min. If I am not on my viewer and am in another window, even if it is not responding, I will see a little 'blink' when it comes back so that I knew it was frozen. It is VERY frustrating. I have checked my ram for any errors (ran memtest86 for 11 passes and it all passed). I have checked for virus' and malware. I have run a clean on the computer. I have clean installed viewers. Cleared cache. Moved my logs. I have rolled back video drivers. Updated drivers. Literally cannot figure out what the issue is and cannot find anyone else with the issue.

    I am going to attach a copy of my specs below, as well as a log I also submitted to the peeps over at firestorm. This happens on both SL and Firestorm viewers (when they are logged in at the same time too or not). I haven't had any response from LL (I put in a ticket over a week ago) and I put in a Jira Support ticket with Firestorm, and still waiting to hear from them. So, I thought in the meantime some of you might have some suggestions as to what is going on.


    Second Life Server
    Release Notes

    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz (4200.01 MHz)
    Memory: 16349 MB
    OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 17134)
    Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
    Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 1070/PCIe/SSE2

    Windows Graphics Driver Version:
    OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 398.11

    RestrainedLove API: RLV v3.1.4 / RLVa v2.1.0.53634
    libcurl Version: libcurl/7.47.0 OpenSSL/1.0.1h zlib/1.2.8
    J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.9.1
    Audio Driver Version: FMOD Ex 4.44.61
    LLCEFLib/CEF Version: 1.5.3-(CEF-WIN-3.2526.1347-32)
    LibVLC Version: 2.2.4
    Voice Server Version: Vivox 4.6.0017.22050

    Settings mode: Firestorm
    Viewer Skin: Firestorm (High Contrast)
    Window size: 1370x888 px
    Font Used: Deja Vu (96 dpi)
    Font Size Adjustment: 0 pt
    UI Scaling: 1
    Draw distance: 128 m
    Bandwidth: 1500 kbit/s
    LOD factor: 2
    Render quality: High-Ultra (6/7)
    Advanced Lighting Model: Yes
    Texture memory: 512 MB (1)
    VFS (cache) creation time (UTC): 2018-6-9T5:14:18 
    Built with MSVC version 1800
    Packets Lost: 0/21,933 (0.0%)
    June 08 2018 22:59:35 SLT


    Here is a log I submitted to FS:

    2018-06-08T03:35:14Z INFO: #AssetStorage newview/llviewerassetstorage.cpp(617) : LLViewerAssetStorage::logAssetStorageInfo: mTotalBytesFetched 844742
    2018-06-08T03:35:15Z INFO: newview/llviewerdisplay.cpp(236) : display_stats: FPS: 45.10
    2018-06-08T03:35:19Z INFO: #HttpCoroutineAdapter,#genericPostCoro llmessage/llcorehttputil.cpp(1315) : LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::trivialPostCoro: Generic POST for http://sim10582.agni.lindenlab.com:12046/cap/5794dd0e-1e83-d46d-6006-d2211770b9e6
    2018-06-08T03:35:25Z INFO: newview/llviewerdisplay.cpp(236) : display_stats: FPS: 44.90
    2018-06-08T03:35:27Z INFO: #HttpCoroutineAdapter,#genericPostCoro llmessage/llcorehttputil.cpp(1315) : LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::trivialPostCoro: Generic POST for http://sim10582.agni.lindenlab.com:12046/cap/5794dd0e-1e83-d46d-6006-d2211770b9e6
    2018-06-08T03:35:35Z INFO: newview/llviewerdisplay.cpp(236) : display_stats: FPS: 45.00
    2018-06-08T03:35:35Z INFO: #HttpCoroutineAdapter,#genericPostCoro llmessage/llcorehttputil.cpp(1315) : LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::trivialPostCoro: Generic POST for http://sim10582.agni.lindenlab.com:12046/cap/5794dd0e-1e83-d46d-6006-d2211770b9e6
    2018-06-08T03:35:43Z INFO: #HttpCoroutineAdapter,#genericPostCoro llmessage/llcorehttputil.cpp(1315) : LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::trivialPostCoro: Generic POST for http://sim10582.agni.lindenlab.com:12046/cap/5794dd0e-1e83-d46d-6006-d2211770b9e6
    2018-06-08T03:35:45Z INFO: newview/llviewerdisplay.cpp(236) : display_stats: FPS: 44.80
    2018-06-08T03:35:51Z INFO: #HttpCoroutineAdapter,#genericPostCoro llmessage/llcorehttputil.cpp(1315) : LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::trivialPostCoro: Generic POST for http://sim10582.agni.lindenlab.com:12046/cap/5794dd0e-1e83-d46d-6006-d2211770b9e6
    2018-06-08T03:35:55Z INFO: newview/llviewerdisplay.cpp(236) : display_stats: FPS: 45.00
    2018-06-08T03:35:59Z INFO: #HttpCoroutineAdapter,#genericPostCoro llmessage/llcorehttputil.cpp(1315) : LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::trivialPostCoro: Generic POST for http://sim10582.agni.lindenlab.com:12046/cap/5794dd0e-1e83-d46d-6006-d2211770b9e6
    2018-06-08T03:36:05Z INFO: newview/llviewerdisplay.cpp(236) : display_stats: FPS: 45.00
    2018-06-08T03:36:07Z INFO: #HttpCoroutineAdapter,#genericPostCoro llmessage/llcorehttputil.cpp(1315) : LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::trivialPostCoro: Generic POST for http://sim10582.agni.lindenlab.com:12046/cap/5794dd0e-1e83-d46d-6006-d2211770b9e6
    2018-06-08T03:36:14Z INFO: llcommon/llmemory.cpp(185) : LLMemory::logMemoryInfo: Current allocated physical memory(KB): 952212KB
    2018-06-08T03:36:14Z INFO: llcommon/llmemory.cpp(186) : LLMemory::logMemoryInfo: Current allocated page size (KB): 2332996KB
    2018-06-08T03:36:14Z INFO: llcommon/llmemory.cpp(187) : LLMemory::logMemoryInfo: Current availabe physical memory(KB): 725509KB
    2018-06-08T03:36:14Z INFO: llcommon/llmemory.cpp(188) : LLMemory::logMemoryInfo: Current max usable memory(KB): 1677721KB
    2018-06-08T03:36:14Z INFO: llcommon/llmemory.cpp(190) : LLMemory::logMemoryInfo: — private pool information – 
    2018-06-08T03:36:14Z INFO: llcommon/llmemory.cpp(191) : LLMemory::logMemoryInfo: Total reserved (KB): 0
    2018-06-08T03:36:14Z INFO: llcommon/llmemory.cpp(192) : LLMemory::logMemoryInfo: Total allocated (KB): 0
    2018-06-08T03:36:14Z INFO: #AssetStorage newview/llviewerassetstorage.cpp(612) : LLViewerAssetStorage::logAssetStorageInfo: Active coros 0
    2018-06-08T03:36:14Z INFO: #AssetStorage newview/llviewerassetstorage.cpp(613) : LLViewerAssetStorage::logAssetStorageInfo: mPendingDownloads size 0
    2018-06-08T03:36:14Z INFO: #AssetStorage newview/llviewerassetstorage.cpp(614) : LLViewerAssetStorage::logAssetStorageInfo: mCountStarted 151
    2018-06-08T03:36:14Z INFO: #AssetStorage newview/llviewerassetstorage.cpp(615) : LLViewerAssetStorage::logAssetStorageInfo: mCountCompleted 151
    2018-06-08T03:36:14Z INFO: #AssetStorage newview/llviewerassetstorage.cpp(616) : LLViewerAssetStorage::logAssetStorageInfo: mCountSucceeded 151
    2018-06-08T03:36:14Z INFO: #AssetStorage newview/llviewerassetstorage.cpp(617) : LLViewerAssetStorage::logAssetStorageInfo: mTotalBytesFetched 844742
    2018-06-08T03:36:15Z INFO: #HttpCoroutineAdapter,#genericPostCoro llmessage/llcorehttputil.cpp(1315) : LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::trivialPostCoro: Generic POST for http://sim10582.agni.lindenlab.com:12046/cap/5794dd0e-1e83-d46d-6006-d2211770b9e6
    2018-06-08T03:36:15Z INFO: newview/llviewerdisplay.cpp(236) : display_stats: FPS: 44.90
    2018-06-08T03:36:23Z INFO: #HttpCoroutineAdapter,#genericPostCoro llmessage/llcorehttputil.cpp(1315) : LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::trivialPostCoro: Generic POST for http://sim10582.agni.lindenlab.com:12046/cap/5794dd0e-1e83-d46d-6006-d2211770b9e6
    2018-06-08T03:36:25Z INFO: newview/llviewerdisplay.cpp(236) : display_stats: FPS: 44.90
    2018-06-08T03:36:31Z INFO: #HttpCoroutineAdapter,#genericPostCoro llmessage/llcorehttputil.cpp(1315) : LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::trivialPostCoro: Generic POST for http://sim10582.agni.lindenlab.com:12046/cap/5794dd0e-1e83-d46d-6006-d2211770b9e6
    2018-06-08T03:36:35Z INFO: newview/llviewerdisplay.cpp(236) : display_stats: FPS: 44.90
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z WARNING: newview/llviewerjoystick.cpp(224) : LLViewerJoystick::init: ndof_init_first FAILED
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z INFO: newview/llviewerjoystick.cpp(268) : LLViewerJoystick::init: ndof: mDriverState=0; mNdofDev=000001CFFDB8B670; libinit=1
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z INFO: #FrameWatcher llcommon/llsys.cpp(1305) : FrameWatcher::tick: slowest framerate for last 600 seconds 2.5
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z <mem> Avail Physical KB: 10722664
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z <mem> Avail Virtual KB: -7212908
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z <mem> Avail page KB: 9736196
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z <mem> CommitLimit KB: 19624348
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z <mem> CommitPeak KB: 19076524
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z <mem> CommitTotal KB: 9888152
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z <mem> HandleCount: 80904
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z <mem> KernelNonpaged KB: 288856
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z <mem> KernelPaged KB: 494624
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z <mem> KernelTotal KB: 783480
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z <mem> Page Fault Count: 2866624
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z <mem> PageSize KB: 4
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z <mem> PagefileUsage KB: 2332996
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z <mem> PeakPagefileUsage KB: 2449204
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z <mem> PeakWorkingSetSize KB: 1096620
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z <mem> Percent Memory use: 0
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z <mem> PhysicalAvail KB: 10722664
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z <mem> PhysicalTotal KB: 16740764
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z <mem> PrivateUsage KB: 2332996
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z <mem> ProcessCount: 207
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z <mem> QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage KB: 286
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z <mem> QuotaPagedPoolUsage KB: 720
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z <mem> QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage KB: 376
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z <mem> QutaPeakPagedPoolUsage KB: 733
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z <mem> SystemCache KB: 5691076
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z <mem> ThreadCount: 2556
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z <mem> Total Physical KB: 16740764
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z <mem> Total Virtual KB: -128
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z <mem> Total page KB: 19624348
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z <mem> WorkingSetSize KB: 949360
    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z <mem> timestamp: 2018-06-08T03:37:18.52Z

    2018-06-08T03:37:17Z INFO: #HttpCoroutineAdapter,#genericPostCoro llmessage/llcorehttputil.cpp(1315) : LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::trivialPostCoro: Generic POST for http://sim10582.agni.lindenlab.com:12046/cap/5794dd0e-1e83-d46d-6006-d2211770b9e6
    2018-06-08T03:37:18Z INFO: newview/llviewerdisplay.cpp(236) : display_stats: FPS: 9.00
    2018-06-08T03:37:18Z INFO: llcommon/llmemory.cpp(185) : LLMemory::logMemoryInfo: Current allocated physical memory(KB): 949688KB
    2018-06-08T03:37:18Z INFO: llcommon/llmemory.cpp(186) : LLMemory::logMemoryInfo: Current allocated page size (KB): 2332996KB
    2018-06-08T03:37:18Z INFO: llcommon/llmemory.cpp(187) : LLMemory::logMemoryInfo: Current availabe physical memory(KB): 728033KB
    2018-06-08T03:37:18Z INFO: llcommon/llmemory.cpp(188) : LLMemory::logMemoryInfo: Current max usable memory(KB): 1677721KB
    2018-06-08T03:37:18Z INFO: llcommon/llmemory.cpp(190) : LLMemory::logMemoryInfo: — private pool information – 
    2018-06-08T03:37:18Z INFO: llcommon/llmemory.cpp(191) : LLMemory::logMemoryInfo: Total reserved (KB): 0
    2018-06-08T03:37:18Z INFO: llcommon/llmemory.cpp(192) : LLMemory::logMemoryInfo: Total allocated (KB): 0
    2018-06-08T03:37:18Z INFO: #AssetStorage newview/llviewerassetstorage.cpp(612) : LLViewerAssetStorage::logAssetStorageInfo: Active coros 0
    2018-06-08T03:37:18Z INFO: #AssetStorage newview/llviewerassetstorage.cpp(613) : LLViewerAssetStorage::logAssetStorageInfo: mPendingDownloads size 0
    2018-06-08T03:37:18Z INFO: #AssetStorage newview/llviewerassetstorage.cpp(614) : LLViewerAssetStorage::logAssetStorageInfo: mCountStarted 151
    2018-06-08T03:37:18Z INFO: #AssetStorage newview/llviewerassetstorage.cpp(615) : LLViewerAssetStorage::logAssetStorageInfo: mCountCompleted 151
    2018-06-08T03:37:18Z INFO: #AssetStorage newview/llviewerassetstorage.cpp(616) : LLViewerAssetStorage::logAssetStorageInfo: mCountSucceeded 151
    2018-06-08T03:37:18Z INFO: #AssetStorage newview/llviewerassetstorage.cpp(617) : LLViewerAssetStorage::logAssetStorageInfo: mTotalBytesFetched 844742

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