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Everything posted by gregoryhao

  1. then you really should take a break it is boring, save yourself from reading BS.
  2. Guess who will be much more careful dealing with none English speaking avatar? You think this is only about me? No one will take as it is if you are black man and you see the report that an unarmed black man was heavily assaulted by policeman,, not black man not white man, not yellow color man. I will report that DDOS website case to LL, and keep it on record, will NCI know that their people are doing this if I did not unveil that here? when you accuse other people as griefer and meanwhile your people are doing DDOS hacking, The is the really nice school I would like to show you all here.
  3. I don't know, maybe I like to show others what is going on there, how a group of helpers can help a single avatar.
  4. My behavior? did i send you a DDOS website link and ask you to click on and tell you the configuratios of your computer? so you NCI are the victim? you are not NCI? you told me you are the RM of Nor. They dont pity me, they pity you NCI aligned, several accounts here to smear me, using all kind of false accusations, saying i am either sim crasher or crimal, ask me to move on, that is a just a nicer way to call people shut up, and you NCI did that to me for more than 3 times right, i slap you in your face and you should move on, get over it, stop whining, tell rest of the accounts simlply do so, yeh i screw you so what, i am the war lord here in this land. Just after I argued with your helper group and one of you help Janet ask me if I wanna go back to rehabilitate my reputations, I told her I really don't know how to work with you people, and this is the attitude why I have to post everything here, ban me for 7 days, oh dear, never want to go back, ban me is a blessing.
  5. i never threat anyone that i am going to grief your sim, and you are the strange accont send me the website link and ask me to click, the website name is ddos, and right after i click you said my system is wondw 8.1 I may need update soon, rest of the people here ask me to AR you, i think it is not so serious, now i maybe need to take some action. NIC is a SIM teaching LSL over 10 years, a 7 months old account grief you? and post thread letter to you all? dont you think it too far stretched!!
  6. If you have evidence you can ban me, or report me so LL can ban me, i dont understnad how can you frame anyone as griefer without any evidence here in the forum, is this what you called freedom of speach or freedom of smear, this exactly prooved your attitude and how your helper mal practice your job. I would say it is rather covenient to call others grifer or criminal, then look at the problem. i think if we go through the record we can find a lot of your history, then others can also call you a griefer or troller?
  7. You are welcome to believe any version of stories you like, the thread here is to discuss, to disclose, to escalate the problem of system, solution or not I never expect to have. By respect is to get system design for balance, if black man has no vote right, there will never be respect for them. If you are criminal with or without weapon I can beat you, and I can decide you are criminal or not.
  8. [2018/05/23 12:44] Actually if you were Chinese.. wouldn't that be Manderin or Cantonese? This was ask by your helper there( I removed her name for TOS regulation), after that she use security ball to eject and ban me, she sure knows I am Chinese. That was my first ban there and will be my last ban there, except that I was only warned once for not changing subject. I have to say one or several of you helper, tarnish the effort of HCI, and abuse the power of land owner. From my prospect, 99% of people and helpers there are ok, but just some of them are really not helping at all, mess with avatars for fun, and volunteer or not I really don't care too much. I am more than happy to be a volunteer to prank or mess with avatars, treat them as my toy when they step on this land, cause I don't have to pay any rent and I have the land owner right, no performance evaluations, no job loading, I malpractice, you get banned, and I ban more people, I can be the war lord there, no one dare to argue with me, any question I treat you as talk back, I ban you, up to me to help people, I miss read the line, I insult you and call you Griefer or Troll, you get banned, I keep playing there. How funny is your attitude here is still showing arrogance, "talk back", I should be smart enough just lay down on the floor let cope beat me to death.
  9. I hope my experience is useful for you, and maybe one protestor is useless, and several can change them, I don't think improvement can be done by one guy or one effort, takes many people's care.
  10. seriously? you even heard arrogance of power, what they did is to call me troll and kick me out their group chat again, see I don't have to come here if it is working.
  11. you missed my point, I propose to put the detail rules down to prevent any abused power on helper, so we can follow the rule easier, this is constructive way to improve the relationship.
  12. I need to make myself clear, not every NCI helper is bad, some of them are my good friends, and they too have opinion on her. TOS ask you to respect each other, not like one side got a gun and the other side got to beg the mercy, that is not respect on each other, and which is totally wrong in the place like school, and which is more than one time I found she can pull the trigger even she hear anything wrong, even some of helper don't like to be with her. I am asking people to pay attention to the similar case and give people a warning of this place this helper, I do not expect they will make any change, even if it is just very small effort of NCI, I have no interests and cannot help them if they don't want to improve themselves.
  13. You watch too much Monty Phyton Holy grail, I assure you get banned soon in NCI if you dare to bring it up.
  14. NO, you did not bring my attention, I read their standard from the day I was there, it says nothing, i did not brought it up caus that is wasting time. if your kid ask teacher to give a detail rule and she is suspended from school, what would you do?
  15. So you are saying no detail rules for that now, just some general rules, and you spend 20s to find them, how ignorant I am? and I can call you a witch cause you make magic If you come to my country? I thought inquisition is gone. NCI is a private school not just any private SIM, you can say you don't care, cause my kids are not there, but rest of people cares, you don't tell them just go away, and ignore that, not here no in real life, Or maybe your purpose here is to lecture me how ignorant I am about SL, I need to be educated, from the bumper to the NCI standard, that is how I can read in-between the line. I do consider it is a blessing that I am banned there, and that is totally their loss.
  16. I am not interested to go back there, and this is for those newbie or rest of the people or students, who likes to be discriminated there. and not against TOS can be discussed. not asking them to publish booklet, simply list which word avatars including helpers cannot say there, stop twist my words and put them in my mouth.
  17. Let me show you what are listed in the notecard: Understanding These Standards Helping Others No Weapons Use No Nudity No Disruption of Events, Activities, or Classes No Soliciting, Selling, or Begging No Harassment SUMMING UP Which line told you, if you say "spank" you get banned? and I was there one of those player say "damn it" and helper did not say anything, this is the rule you can live with.
  18. Not the case, one of my bumper will react and animate with sound when I actively bump another avatar, and he is wearing that kind of bumper.
  19. We have many foreign labors here in Taiwan and our government print small booklets in their mother language to let them understand their right defined in labor law, we made a lot efforts to annihilate the culture barriers and educate employers.I spend many years in Europe and others abroad, i see people in every country with good willing and effort to do so, is it really so hard to define them in a notecard? I am not interested to go back there to accept their humiliations or literary inquisition, last time they send a warning with a reason "not changing the subject", and it says no second warning. It takes joint effort to annihilate the culture barrier.
  20. As in real life, many helpers are friendly and help willing, they are my best friends, and some of those helpers are not helping at all, the effort was destroyed by those 2 to 3 helpers, they make that sim or even SL game unfavorable.
  21. If you don't speak Chinese very well and you come to Taiwan or China for sight seeing, you are issued a ticked by traffic police man, and you ask police man about the rules in Chinese, and you still think to know more so you wont break the law again, then the next moment you are on the airplane to be deported to your home country, or they evacuate you to some suburban area, and not allowed to go back in 72 hours, label label you as a troll. I don't know what they do in your country, but here we don't do that, our law enforcer will kindly tell you the rules in English, and you can always appeal with evidence after that, we do not evacuate you or deport you cause you cant speak Chines or you ask question, if that is what they do there, I feel sorry for you. Other people can slap me with bumper, I cannot say don't spank me in G rated SIM, and what is the difference of slap and spank? newbie is ok, noob is bad word and you call others noob you get banned? no warning? I can clearly understand no F or S word are not allowed, those rules like word cant talk to your grannie, are like literary inquisition to me. That is quite simple for anyone to list them in the notecard, I failed to see the reason why you cannot do so for foreigners, and mark them as trolls, cause calling other toll and kick them out is more convenient for you?
  22. Hello, i came from Taiwan, in the RL i speak Mandarins, basically I speak Mandarins to my kids, and I went to NCI yesterday joined the nearby chat with other avatars, one of those avatar wearing bumper can slap me, I ask him in the nearby chat not to spank me, and the helper snap and say I cannot say the word, cause this is a G rate sim, I said I am Chinese, can you list the words I cannot say, after all this is LSL learning center, and many students don't speak English, just when their helper ask me if I speak Cantonese or Mandarins then I was ejected out and banned for the reason is Troll, I ask the helper why you eject me, why you call me a troll and ban me, then she block me, and rest of the avatars ask me where did I go, I told them I was ejected, and helper call me a troll and banned me, they are very surprised, and say the helper just told others I explored other sim, so one of those avatar said she will never come back SL, cause looks like if you ask the wrong question they will eject you and ban you then insult you with a troll name. I join the NCI helper's group to ask them, why you can do this to me, one of their helper IM me and says this is their own land, they don't rely on LL to give them financial support, they can do whatever they like, and she said she can remove anyone latter from this land, some of those helper is on my side and ask NCI to think more, some of the helper keep asking group manger, and even one of the strange people IM me latter ask me to click a website to get my IP address. I fled an abuse report against that helper, cause the she call me a troll and insult me, my question is they are selling students products to make profits, a lot of them are from none English speaking country, can they do whatever they like as they claimed, and eject people out ban them, then insult them with a troll name when we ask question? The log and text file cannot be attached, but I can still send out by IM box, if anyone can answer my question.
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