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Zandrae Nova

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Posts posted by Zandrae Nova

  1. So I've made a set of elf ears. 

    They don't have the basic uvs, and that's okay. I want to offer users of the item a bom option wherein the thing uses aux3, and comes with a kit that includes everything the person needs to make their own base skin to match their current skin. 

    So I stuck a skin in a universal layer.

    I have a transparent layer of freckles. So I stuck those in a second universal layer.

    When I slapped both on, the freckles seem to turn into transparent holes in the mesh.

    ... That's not right. 

    I probably need to make a proper alpha with targa or something to get it to work right.

    However, perhaps it's not something that I can get to work right at all. 

    So I'm asking here if anyone knows if what I'm trying to do is actually doable before I spend hours driving myself bonkers troubleshooting. If it is doable, if the targa thing is what is needed or what else I'm doing wrong (aside from not using the default UVs which I can't really do because extra long elf ears don't lend themselves well to the default UVs).

  2. Hi. I have some land in Rixendale that I'm looking to get rid of. I'd rather sell or even give it to someone than just abandon it. 

    I can cut it up however you want. 

    Feel free to send me a message in game. I'll post the link later when I log back in. 


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  3. On 5/15/2020 at 1:32 AM, Patch Linden said:

    We do have a healthy supply of mainland, up to and including some entire full mainland regions that we can make available via auction.

    I would love to be able to purchase a full mainland region that has been abandoned.

    My roommates and I have tried putting in tickets to acquire adjacent abandoned lots beside our land which includes most of a region but it looks like customer service is a bit overwhelmed right now and they haven't answered our tickets yet. If we can get what's abandoned in the adjacent region we can at least start building. 

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  4. So I've begun making items on Second Life but I found that the number of variations I've made are such that a HUD is ideal.


    Unfortunately, I need to move groups of elements on the HUD around (backwards and forwards on the x axis) and I'm not sure exactly how to do this.

    What I have:

    A HUD, prim buttons including for textures. The buttons for textures work. Each texture button has a unique name button_### and there are roughly five pages of them and likely more in the future--link numbers may change as the thing evolves so I am weary about link numbers.

    What I want to do:


    When user presses button, if thisGroup of buttons is not at x axis position p, move them to p and move buttons in thisOtherGroup and thisOtherGroupTwo backwards to pos q if they aren't already there.

    I'm new to LSL, but I am familiar with Python, Java, Lua, C/C++/C#, and Ruby so I'm not totally clueless but I'm not sure what to do exactly.

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