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Posts posted by ThorOddinson

  1. 13 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

    Land owners really don't need an excuse to ban someone. If the owner thinks one should be banned because of having the wrong color of shoe lases, so be it.
    It is their land. Their kingdom.

    I agree that these types should not be in the destination guide.

    Thankfully there are thousands of other sims with clubs on them that one can explore. One down, tons to go.

    That's true, I do the Route of the Destination Guide for exploring and meet new places and people. On most cases I do have positive experiences. My amazement is landing at a place where I accidentally meet people I'm friends with and never had any querrel of any kind and have that horrid experience.

  2. 1 hour ago, Gwin LeShelle said:

    I am with Rowan completely on this one. I don't have a problem with Club owners/land owners banning etc people they don't feel like having or even for minor reasons...like do not like my face? Well go ahead ban me! Your land your rules, but so I have my own land too x3 

    But on the destination guide really should just be clubs etc. that are not that strict, many noobies have one set of clothes only and can not dress for certain dresscode for example...or are wearing boxes xD (at least no shoes up their bums anymore) so being on there should mean that everyone is welcome (well except griefers...griefers don't get any cookies :P)

    And I really enjoy meeting new people in SL still, and I surely hope they feel as magical and welcome as I felt back then!

    Yeah, I was making the Club Route on The Destination Guide, despite I had been there before was a long time ago, so it could even be a new one under the same name. I already found new ones on the last few weeks which I even became a regular member and were friendly. Imagine to land on a place you actually been before years ago and were treated in a friendly way and ended up being orbed on nothing but a wonderment sentence lol. On my land I do have private Areas, but even so, they come with a warning, others are public. I have no special rules of any kind and give fair warning where privacy is required. This was totally out of proportion and had no reason at all. Even if it was a mistake, a simple "I'm Sorry, it was a mistake" would suffice, but no, I was waiting for an answer for whole 10 minutes and absolutly no reply but spam Application Notecards. That's not acceptable.

  3. 1 hour ago, Maitimo said:

    My guess is that this comment caused the owner to think you might be the alt of a previous griefer or troublemaker.  Putting 2 and 2 together and getting 6. Or else they thought that starting a comment with "Wow..." was a bit rude (it's frequently used as an insult). 

    Another possibility is that they use the voodoo thing and you've previously been added to the blacklist, in which case your ejection was automated (you likely wouldn't know if you had; very few places use it these days - I know cos I am on the blacklist and it's been years since I was booted from anywhere).

    In the first two cases it's over-reacting but I wouldn't necessarily assume that they are ejecting lots of people on a regular basis.  In the latter case, well it's their fault for using such a ridiculous device. 

    You don't seriously think a comment like that would trigger a reaction like orbing somone for simple imagining something that's not there and with no warning. No, I did go there under this account, I was even offered a job by the owner personally by then, that I politely declined, so she KNOWS who I am, right? I didn't change User or Screen names, nothing that could trigger a reaction like that. I simply stopped going there because was usually laggy and I didn't like the kind of music they play usually, there was never a conflict between me and any other user there, not that I'm aware, but then again, I'm not a telepath.

    • Haha 1
  4. 11 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    better to edit your post and remove the links and names .. it's not allowed to namen and shame, and you give free advertisement for them with sharing all info.

    To your post... go somewhere else to spend your time, SL is bigger than that.

    They did it for me, I'm not a huge Forum user, had no idea. But thank you so much on the heads up.

  5. I was Orbed after a few minutes of my arrival  [at a club] that I accessed via Destination Guide. I met a friend there, he invited me for his HUD, barely said a few words, and I had been there a few years ago, so all I said was "Wow this place changed a lot since I was last here". I was on informal outfit as everyone there and had nothing out of the ordinary. I had no warning, a few minutes after arrival *bang* orbed with no warning. I think it's just wrong to invite someone to your place and then kick him out with no good reason on a forceful way, don't you think? I contacted the owner that spammed me with Job applications, but no answer and also the GM, also no answer and I gave him/her a few good 10 minutes to answer back. Does this happen often on places listed on the Destination Guide? If it does those places need to be reviewed and removed from that list.

    • Haha 1
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