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GingerPiper Throgmorton

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Posts posted by GingerPiper Throgmorton

  1. 1 hour ago, Yukiko Yeshto said:

    Do they all have different roles? In the group profile menu, go to "Roles" settings and check for each if "Reveal members" is enabled. Hope this helps!

    They are not showing up under the everyone role! They joined the group and even have it activated and sent a Group Chat, but they are not showing up on the profile to even assign them a role.

  2. I host at a venue and a number of people, including DJs and Live Singers, as well as the general public, have come to me asking why the events weren't posted in SL Events.

    That is handled by the Venue/SIM owner who has, indeed entered all upcoming events in SL Events. She can see the postings on SL Events calendar all the way through July. That said, When I open SL Events I am NOT seeing the events and now know that many of our patrons are not seeing them either.

    What gives? What are we all doing wrong?

    Visits to our SIM/Venue have been dropping off and I think it can be contributed to this issue.


  3. On 9/23/2019 at 4:28 AM, rasterscan said:

    Itching to know why and what happens. Like a gossiping fish wife. I just cant help myself. Do keep us fully informed.


    I might add I have two infractions against me on the forums and have to watch my etiquette these days, and I live in dread of being banned in SL for something I didnt realise was naughty.

    hahaha! Yes, well it went back to a misunderstanding months ago! Whew! Cleared up now.

  4. Well he is about finished, needs some tweaking....

    Having a Skin Issue, though. We got him the Signature Gianni Body and the Catwa Victor head. The Stray Dog Catwa compatible head skin works great!

    However, mistakenly got the Stray Dog Legacy Skin and am being told by a friend that it won't work with the Signature body. 

    Not sure what route to go. There is a neck Line because I can't complete the look right now.


  5. 4 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

    Am I wrong in assuming that he isn't a serious shopper? 

    Nope, you're right...typical male sending me out to shop. I know he won't want to try on Demos. 

    I am not finding anything that I need, besides head shapes on MP? Does this mean that I would do better dragging him kicking and screaming to the in-world stores?

  6. I am attempting to help a friend of mine upgrade his noob Classic Avatar to Mesh. My question has multiple points.

    1. What is the most commonly designed for Male Mesh? (Example: As a female, I went with Maitreya.)

    2. What is the best Head for a male?

    3. I need a full list of all of the components he will need to purchase as, quite frankly, I have forgotten. I've had my Avi for over a year.

    4. Talk too me about these "Complete Avatar" packages. Are they worth it and, is so, is one better than another?

    Thank you all in advance. :)



  7. I have a friend who has returned to SL after a very long absence and actually set up a new account. He chose one of the NEW Avatars and now wants to get new clothing. I am finding nothing on what body types these are to assist him.

    Are these CLASSIC Avatars or MESH Avatars of some form?

    He is really a bit lost and I am trying to help out someone who has been gone so long he is basically a Noob. Okay more than a bit lost... I don't want him running away from SL because we can't get him sorted out. I believe that is what basically happened, the reason he left, years ago.

  8. A multi level question.

    I'm a Premium member and was given a Linden Home. The issue I have run into is that my parcel is now full, but I haven even finished furnishing. All of the items are low Prims.

    My account says I have 512 Land Units still available. Can I add on to my existing house or do I look elsewhere?



  9. I have been inworld for a few weeks now and getting around fairly well. I have found a favorite hangout. I see that the other Avis can "speak using chat.  I notice special characters to emote. How does that work.

    Also, I was asked to smile for a snapshot and didn't know how to do this.

    Can you also frown? Cry? 

  10. Hello! I am new to SL and I currently have a Classic body. After much trial and error I have figured out how to modify the body to the shape and face I am happy with.

    My issue now is finding clothes and good hair. I did find some hair I can make-do with, but really want something better.

    Clothes are another issue.  First off, I am not going for the sexpot look. Secondly, as many have noted (I have been reading posts all day) the designers are creating for specific newer bodies.

    So, should I migrate to a different body? Any recommendations as to make? And, if so, HOW do I do this?



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