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Posts posted by Veigarus

  1. Yup, finally found something that works. L'Etre and Stray Dog have tones that compatible with eachother.


    Gianna Mesh Body from Signature - L'Etre Sandy Applier

    Catwa Daniel Mesh Head - Stray Dog Sandy Applier


    For possible future reference for those who might need.


    Thank you Fionalein!



  2. 4 minutes ago, Fionalein said:

    In the past Catwa used skins by skinnery - their skins should give you a seamless look when combined with te ones inbuildt in the head.

    Ya I actually went there first, but their male section is "coming soon".


    Checking out Stray Dog since apparently his tones are compatible with L'Etre which I use for my mesh body

  3. So I have a Gianna Mesh Body and Head (Bento Edition) from Signature.

    I recently bought a Skin Applier from L'Etre and I love it, but it doesn't apply to the Mesh Head. I've been messing around in the Tint Picker trying to match it, but its not going well.

    Neck seam is noticeable as well.

    Any advice or solution would be very much appreciated!

  4. I'm hoping someone can shed light on this.

    I have a mesh avatar, and sometimes it would appear to be invisible to others at times. This first was brought to my attention when another resident IM'd me telling me that I was invisible, even though I see myself perfectly on my screen.

    They sent a photo and sure enough I only saw my hair, and lower bits. I tested this on my other account, and again, I couldn't see my full avatar on my other account while I could see myself perfectly on my main. Relogging seems to fix it, but it happens randomly and I can't tell when it does, so now I'm super paranoid. Sometimes when I do relog, after confirming I'm really invisible, I would log in and actually see myself invisible...except for my hair, lower bits, and eyes. I would then add my object [SIGNATURE] Anthony-R2 (AVATAR) (T-2) that seems to unattach itself. When added, I appear to be all set.

    I would be able to right click on my avatar normally and it would freeze, highlight, and select my avatar (since its mesh). Other times when I right click, it doesn't select and I get the normal menu if that means anything.


    Any help would be great!

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