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Everything posted by PixieMina

  1. @Jaylinbridges I have the same issue, except in my case it was unfortunately for substantially more. I tried multiple times to buy several items in my cart when the billing issues were on going. I wasn't aware at the time of the billing issue but was obviously aware something wasn't right after nothing was happening, but initially thought it may be my internet or browser having issues. This has unfortunately led to multiple transactions being placed against my account where the L$ were taken by the marketplace, but the items not delivered, nor crucially any history of the orders themselves being present on the marketplace. I have submitted a ticket but not expecting a reply now until the new year. I'm hoping this doesn't turn into a war over a clear marketplace transaction issue, but we shall see. Got to give them a chance to take a look first. I've shared my ticket text below with my order number snipped from the text in case it helps others formulate a ticket (also missing the screenshots but believe me they show the issue as described quite plainly). Best of luck to any similarly affected and I do hope the marketplace sellers don't have to get drawn into this, given they had no part in the issue.
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