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Peroxide Bleac

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Posts posted by Peroxide Bleac

  1. Hi,  I have installed some windlight settings in the correct folder (same one that is in backup path) but they are not showing in my list under environment editor.   Any ideas why this is happening please?   My list is already heavily populated with many default WL settings which I don't really use.

    I am using Firestorm 5.0.11 but I couldn't see a place to post so I put my question here!  sorry if it's in the wrong place :)

  2. How do I buy lindens now?  I have never had this problem before but it is asking me to add a credit card on any of the accounts I have already purchased lindens on in the past!  The main problem though is that Linden Labs only has USA regions listed in the address section????????????????  I'm in Europe. Also I do not have a credit card and have been able to pay with a debit card previously.  I am fuming angry about this, as I have tried on 3 avatars now to purchase lindens and getting the same problem, tried to access live chat but that doesn't even seem to work.   Any help please?  Thanks

    Update: I also noticed that I went over my linden dollar buy allowance and even though the system refused it, it has decreased the allowance over the next 24 hours!  this is the most unbelievable system, honestly laughable.  I would be laughing if I didn't want to purchase something in SL!

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