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Posts posted by Bingk

  1. 2 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

    It all depends on how the items are scripted, but the answer is almost certainly NO. I'm guessing that they are both using parcel media, and you can only set one URL for parcel media at a time.  The other alternative, using streaming media on a prim face (MOAP), would let you watch different channels at the same time, but not synchronously.  That is, each person would only see what is on his own screen and the stream would start at a different spot for each person.  In any case, you can't change whatever method the creator designed into your devices.

    Is a device even possible then? Like could I buy another TV and if so, what do I look for instead? 

    I had a TV that worked fine for everyone before but now it doesn't. I thought perhaps this was a change in a recent update? 

  2. 9 hours ago, Parhelion Palou said:

    The LL viewer logs communication to text files as well. You can find the location of the chat logs by looking in Me->Preferences->Chat. Both IMs and local chat are logged, just as Firestorm does. Firestorm stores logs in a different (but similar) location, so neither viewer will interfere with the other.


  3. 4 minutes ago, angeoco said:

    I don't know about the LL viewer, but Firestorm (by default) stores your complete private chat history in plain text files, one for each avatar. That can be easily copied and pasted into a word-processing file. Public chat is not stored.

    does switching to firestorm carry over my logs?

  4. I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to ask.

    I want to be able to select my entire chat history to copy into a document and not just a page at a time,

    how do I do that? Can I find the log externally?

    I'm using the latest windows update and standard viewer.

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